no-win situation
no-win situation
Since Abigail was born, Duckworth has authored measures to make sure major airports offer places for breastfeeding mothers to pump milk; the military creates a uniform policy for giving personnel time to bond with their newborn and adopted babies; and to make sure student parents have on-campus child care.
Many Millenials at protest marches in 2017 were carrying the same signs as Baby Boomers when they marched for women’s rights and against the Vietnam War. While many older people are indeed out of touch, sweeping ageism isn’t any better than sexism. I marched last year with some of those Baby Boomers and they have been…
I am still Team Hillary, damn it. I wish more people were. They will be 15 years from now when they see what not electing her did to life on Earth. 😑 Though I do think some things would not have happened had we been “spoiled” by having a good President.
Oh - and as an aside, when I spoke at the Women’s March last year (again, we were all invited to say something on stage), I said that Secretary Clinton has the best environmental plan I have ever seen (she does, let me tell you about it if you’re skeptical) and that women leaders will do far more to save the planet.…
Men were leading chants during a Woman’s March?! 😖 I hope someone told them to shut the fuck up.
I totally agree. I’m a Biologist and I even get pissed off when animal activists insert veganism into every environmental issue out there.
Although it doesn’t address the topic head on, I’m wildly happy to see Jezebel sort of kind of tackle the topic of ageism. Thank you, Bobby!
Cool. Was it hard to find parking? I loved the vibe last year, it was perhaps the most friendly crowd I’ve ever been in. 🌸
Agreed - and women are often considered the caregivers who are supposed to fix everything as well.
That’s a really good idea. I live within a poor Hispanic community and I hear that so many people don’t have cars, a day of bad weather can make or break an election. I know nothing about this org but it sounds promising. http://carpoolvote.com/faq/
I hate to distract from the conversation, and someone please smack me in the head if this does. But I attended the first Women’s March last year in Northampton MA and several of us got up and spoke for our plans for Mother Earth. I love th blue wave idea. Can some of us tie it to protecting the ocean? It doesn’t have…
EDIT: I’m going to just add that now I understand better, maybe the owner was at the end of his rope but an email is PRIVATE. They could have done this announcement without the screenshot, and so I’m not as impressed by his behavior as I originally was. The following still stands, though.
I love both these actors, I love Christmas, I celebrate Winter Solstice, I’m a winter runner and as a native New Englander I love the weather. I am also looking forward to it! ❄️❄️ (Wouldn’t it be nice to have a movie that addresses the disturbed polar vortex and the jet stream as a human issue rather than a…
I’ve had a great response when I talk about this to people! I think they do care, just a matter of access to the information and the goods.
Nestle and Ferrero are among the biggest palm oil giants. Destroying rainforests, habitats for dozens of species, not to mention stomping on indigenous family farmers and handing machetes to 8 year-olds to work in inhumane conditions. Want a real chiller? Listen to the Nestle CEO talk on YouTube about water as a human…
Are these new rules inconvenient and cumbersome? Yeah.
Beautiful last sentence by Lutkin. Fine men who catcall.......? What the hell, these are not guys who forgot to feed the meter. This is harassment and should warrant a visit by police. What that dumb petition seems to be missing is the word “Unwelcomed”. This is the defining problem in all cases but especially in the…
And yet............