Preach! Pioneer Valley here. (You know, where the 91 year-old protester told a judge today that she refuses to pay a fine for her civil disobedience). You ready to party?
Preach! Pioneer Valley here. (You know, where the 91 year-old protester told a judge today that she refuses to pay a fine for her civil disobedience). You ready to party?
Bounty reps burst into UK maternity wards masquerading as staff handing out some twisted maternity package violating mom’s privacy and not giving a shit if oops, that particular customer just had a miscarriage oh well go fuck yourself then why did you waste my time.
I mentioned to the person below that I think some people are predators like this. They become your friend, then wait for a crisis to pounce on. I have an otherwise cool, loyal friend who was the most awesome ally of mine for years. When I first got sick confided to her that I had Lyme disease, she said “I know 2 women…
Oh FFS. That’s some victim blaming right there. Don’t you know, people who do this sort of thing are predators. They LOOK for nice people to befriend, get all charming then right when the first crisis hits that’s when they then all nasty and show their true colors. Not until.
I’ve had multiple chronic illnesses and I’ve had to set aside time to think of satisfying responses to all the obnoxious comments I’ve gotten. Mostly from friends and family. Well, former friends and family. 😉 WTF is wrong with some people.
Kathy Bates is a god and I have proof. Last year I taped Misery on my DVR. I thought well, that was disturbing! It was one of those rare acting performances that’s so powerful you can’t look at the actor the same way. I hit “delete” on the recording but it was still there. Delete. Delete. Delete. All the other shows…
When I saw the movie title I was so sure this was going to be a film about the life of Deborah Harry and now I’m disappointed.
Interesting. We visited St. Thomas in 2009 after my grad school and I also developed a mild interest in raw fish after that (though I only had it a handful of times). My weight loss though really seemed to coincide with the 2 years of doxycycline and just before that, had to take clindamycin, then erythromycin then…
That’s a great idea. I used to eat like a fiend and in grad school got to 132. My appetite declined after being on antibiotics for 2 years due to Lyme disease and for a while I was on the FODMAP diet. My appetite is just okay now. I should keep on the probiotics too I suppose. Sometimes my appetite increases but I can…
I’ve posted this before, at the end of a comment section so not many responses yet I got some lovely advice - has anyone else successfully gained weight after being underweight their whole lives? I swear when I discuss this in person I get dirty looks. In case anyone doesn’t get it - I look like a sickly 12 year old…
Thank you for bringing up Non-Binary issues. I feel a bit selfish not having considered that. I guess the best solution is, the one that their community agrees on? As long as the solution is NOT to create co-ed bathrooms (as we discussed), that’s fine. Add a third, welcome all (excluding cis men), create a new symbol…
This cool lady has a horrible disease called Sjoren’s syndrome which I thought I had a t some point. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Thank goodness she has some respite from the stress.
Loved your comments, I’m in a hotel with crap reception, sorry will have to reply tomorrow. 🌸❤️
Edit: I think that “Erase women” is a terrible way to put it and I don’t think that, so sorry I retract that. I do think that (after being a tomboy for most of my life) I did start to enjoy womanhood and it’s such a personal thing, for everyone. It’s about recognizing what’s personal and private versus what’s part of…
I hope you don’t mind if I chime in. I do think it’s a rare thing, like as an analogy I hear hosts complaining on food blogs “Oh my god I cook for all these gluten-free people and then they go and chow down on the bread”! Like, I imagine many hosts will see this happen ONE time then insist it happens constantly LOL.
The major experience has been one of things falling into place, things that maybe seemed incongruous about my life. Suddenly, as I started to accept the reality, it started to make more sense—like, ‘Oh, OK, that’s what that was’.
Thank you for saying this. I’m sad that this rift exists between us sometimes. I was corrected on this site one time when I mentioned something about “pregnant women” and their experiences. Someone (very politely) mentioned that hey, men can give birth too. It was a minor correction. However, I don’t feel like we need…
And it was definetly him in the video, right?
Oh no, I’m good. You’re discussing conservation and I appreciate that. It’s not easy to solve these issues but from what I’ve been taught it’s all about setting people up for success (more places to buy shade coffee for example), setting a good example and engaging them in the process. Governments need to step up and…