
I’ve heard of Radical Monarchs. Thanks for reminding me, I will look that up. I agree and find it disturbing how GS sends girls out to do their marketing. That should have ended a long time ago.

Whew! Complicated answer. But bear with me. It’s not just palm oil. Sadly, all monocultures do extreme harm to the environment. Look up Agroforestry (I rarely recommend Wikipedia; but their entry for this is pretty good) and palm oil is among the worst.

I’m going to add that there is no such thing as sustainable palm oil and ps I do love (and was one of) America’s local scouts. Not ever going to give them a dime until they shape up over palm oil. These Ann Arbor scouts learned about palm oil while completing a project for the Girl Scouts about orangutan extinction.

Now playing

If the Girl Scouts are so special with science why aren’t they addressing this. Really, WTF.

And it posted it multiple times too. 😡

I completely apologize for my comment appearing as a “REPLY” to yours. It was meant to be a stand-alone comment. I have no fucking clue why Kinja has been such an asshole lately.

Wow! I can’t wait to see your sources for those grim statistics on home births. I have the feeling I’m going to laugh when I see them.

I agree and I cannot imagine having to see a family member go through this. No matter how stupid people think this was, the punishement didn’t really fit the crime. Honestly? As a grad student I dreamed of flying to Afgnahinstan to study an unusual wild cat that lives in the deserts there. I thought the risk as part

You missed part of the story. Warmbier didn’t go there on his own. He was visiting China with a school group. Later, a very sleezy tourist company got involved - they advertise to students that they can bring them to political hotspots, “adventure of a lifetime” type deals, yet still keep them safe. Some of the

Thank you Aimee and Jezebel in general for continuing to cover this story. I’m not a mom but simply as a naturally protective person I find myself unable to stop thinking about this kid. I had an awful, dark, sinking my feeling the moment I saw him on the news. Well yeah, obviously his situation was grim. Maybe this

Not even. The “evidence” they have is questionable to say the least, and even had he committed the crime, if the North Korean government weren’t monsters they would have sent him home to be punished by his home country. Creating an international incident IMO warranted a few months in jail, if the evidence was clear,

Oh Leslie, you know I’m your one and only. ❤️❤️

I think in general we cannot allow hospitals to be a kind of monopoly. For things like births (and physical therapy, nutrition etc) there should be multiple science-based options. Home birth definetly qualifies!

Again, I’m not going to give details. Yes both home births and hospital births can have unprofessional hacks who shame women. There are such things as bad hospitals, and not all midwives are incompetent. As another person said, it shouldn’t be a competition. The fact that an organization in the U.K., the NHS if I

Feline behaviorist here. Good suggestions, I want to underscore 2 things: one, cats HATE doors. They want to patrol their territory and you’re shutting them off from a natural behavior. So don’t be surprised that they’re affronted. Also there are many kinds of cats, “Bossy Cats” are the absolute worst. Do make sure

Right, obviously there are reasons to give pitocin. There was no reason given in this case - see my response below.

I appreciate your information, at the same time I should underscore that (without going into too much detail about the actual person) the way it was explained made it sound like *every woman must be given pitocin when her water breaks. That’s clearly not true. So that’s why I thought it sounded ridiculous.

I agree the textile idea was great, what a thoughtful addition to the conference. Lovely!