Nope, 75 is pretty damn toasty if you are a reasonably muscular 6’0” 190lbs man wearing professional clothes. That’s sweat-dripping-down-the-small-of-your-back weather.
Nope, 75 is pretty damn toasty if you are a reasonably muscular 6’0” 190lbs man wearing professional clothes. That’s sweat-dripping-down-the-small-of-your-back weather.
Oh, heeeeeeeeeeeere we go. Another 70er shows up with his “just put more clothes on” hypothesis. I’m just glad all the 68ers and the even-more-ridiculous 67ers are stuck in the grays forever.
Anyone who suggests that this air conditioning thing isn’t the most important thing facing feminists today is a pathetic concern troll, and should just stay out of our comments’ section.
I think it depends on not just debt, but their earning capacity. I have student debt and my husband does not, but I also make twice as much as him. In that scenario, I’m not sure it matters because he doesn’t feel as if he is working to pay off my loans. On the other hand, I would not marry someone with $200k in debt…
Settle down, Nancy Reagan.
I agree with the general point that parents have a responsibility to corral their children into either behaving in a courteous way in public spaces or remove them from public spaces if they can’t behave reasonably well at the moment.
Don’t forget that one of them was a vegetarian. They wouldn’t have made it half a block before losing their strength and succumbing to the elements.
I’m pretty sure the Apple ][ games I made with Adventure Construction Set are also unplayable by now.
But seriously:
The entitlement POURS off the page.
I started “over-tipping” (i.e. giving a generous tip) to the pizza/salad/sandwich shop delivery guy back in February because the weather was so dog-awful that I felt like I needed to give him hazard pay for braving the 1.5 mile stretch of road between the restaurant and my house. Since then, whenever “my” delivery…
At the request of Lucille Booth’s favorite breakfast, here’s a reply I made downthread, to counter the WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY arguments:
“It works extremely well.”
It is definitely not in the article, and if it is, that is just Jezebel’s shitty science reporting at work once again. Not in the paper. But even if it were, I think a lot of evolutionary biologists would take offence to a lay person basically saying “I don’t really understand this, but I don’t buy it” - since that’s…
I feel like there’s a brotherhood for those of us who refuse to use the size titles dictated by starbucks.
I can’t think of another piece of tech that I’ve purchased over the last 5+ years that delights me the way my Sonos system does. IMHO, the Play1 speakers are the best of the bunch, at least from a cost per dB standpoint - they look/feel/sound marvelous!
I can’t think of another piece of tech that I’ve purchased over the last 5+ years that delights me the way my Sonos…
Here's what I don't understand:
When you state that you spent $25k trying to fix a $4.5k used Merc, I believe all your example serves to illustrate is that you're really, really bad at decision making in general.
How the heck can they expect a man to celebrate a ping-pong championship without a little racket?!