
Actually you should get the oversize gardening hat. Heat stroke is no joke.

There were also a lot of "white/anglos" and Chinese lynched. It also sounds like the crowds that did the lynching were not exclusively white. At least in Los Angeles.

The average time people spend in any industry is 5 years.

Yeah? Well like that's your opinion man. I like it.

Maybe I am miss-remembering then. I seem to remember that if you blocked when no block prompt was up that it could throw off the timing.

You could spam the block button and it would always work. Batman would fail the block if you were spamming it.

I think that what they should have done to make it more challenging was to follow the Arkham control scheme a little more closely. Shadows of Mordor is much more forgiving when it comes to the button presses. You could basically spam the block button. In the Arkham series the rhythm you needed while pressing the

That they should use well designed control schemes for players and not just reinvent the wheel because they can't do something someone else has done.

They are also supposed to be larger and more deadly then orcs.

Not quite the same, very similar though. Batman is less forgiving when you got out of rhythm on the button presses.

Meh. Call BS on this. Focus groups are useful. Focus groups are usually comprised of a variety of individuals or multiple focus groups are brought in each of which may cover a different segment of your potential audience. You for sure are going to bring in people who play games that you expect would buy your game.

You must be from the east coast.

There is a lot of awesome American beer to talk about. If they are talking about one of the major beer brewers, it is amazing what advertising will do for you. A lot of American beer is marketed as "exotic" and "special" oversees, just like a lot of poor foreign beer is marketed as exotic in usa.

If you refuse to touch Miller, Coors, or Bud, and there is no other beer available you're an asshole.

Nitpicking. He created an electric car that can get 300 miles on a single charge, out performs many high end sports cars, built a nation wide super charging system that gives away free electricity. All of these things mind you would have been considered Jetsons type fantasy even just a few years ago, and what is the

Our freedom is worth having a terrorist attack.

No I think he is saying that Elon has done some amazing things and the article writer is nitpicking.

What sort of focus are you looking for? They only make two cars, soon a 3rd, that seems fairly focused.

You keep hanging on this Hook Effect and the doctors knowledge of it as some end-all-be all of their ability to determine pregnancy. Those hcg levels are only used to determine early signs of pregnancy. The fact that doctors might not know of the Hook Effect is fairly irrelevant in this point in your pregnancy

How cute. I remember when I used to hate one uppers but then stopped because it just was not enough hate for me. I upgraded to just hating everyone.