Emma Golddigger

She looks like someone who would serve crinkle fries on roller skates at a ‘50's nostalgia cab stand diner in the urban South.

This is part of the rebranding of white supremacy. It has been years in the making and this is the culmination. casting white hate as “average americans”.

Conway is a fascist. There’s no doubt left. She was supposed to be the reasonable moderating influence, but she’s not. Trumpism is infecting the “establishment” with post-fact gaslighting and authoritarian tendencies, not the other way around.

— when you have a conversation with people, whether it’s around the dinner table or at a bar —

Why does Conway insist on using phrases like “your protesters” as if the Clinton camp controls those who don’t like Trump? The Clintons have nothing to do with the reasons why I’m objecting to Trump. I protest him because he’s  nasty, ignorant piece of garbage and objecting to him is my patriotic duty.

“Guys, I can tell you are angry, but wow,” she said. “Hashtag he’s your president.

I can see that.

Why does Conway find it so unbelievable that we would think she’d run a campaign that includes a generous white supremacist platform? It’s simply bizarre- does she think we’re supposed to trust her based on her looks or something?

Don’t worry guys! Someone set up a GoFundMe for Conway’s much needed exorcism:

Conway: sure, my candidate was a pussy-grabbing racist ignoramus, but he was a pussy-grabbing racist ignoramus who connected with voters and seemed authentic. Your candidate was an intelligent, experienced, qualified candidate who seemed aloof or insincere and therefore did not connect with voters. So..... fuck you,

1. I wish we had a video of this.

The ADL don’t merit the respect they’re being given here. It’s time we stop treating them with so much deference. Under Foxman they consistently flirted with anti-Muslim bigots and figures, and basically showed fealty to the Israeli government (regardless of how illiberal that government was) took precedence over

It seems pretty obvious that his quote was suggesting Israel has a disproportionate influence on US international policy in that region compared with other countries. That assert would in fact be factually correct.

We’re really good at cannibalizing our own, aren’t we? The Republicans got Donald J. Trump into the White House and we can’t even agree on an honest, progressive politician to head the DNC. Why do we keep playing the other side’s game?

Obama tried, that time when he pegged Kanye West as a jackass, but— they dragged him until he apologized for speaking the truth.

the non-profit Investigative Project on Terrorism presents itself as “the world’s most comprehensive data center on radical Islamic terrorist groups.”

Does this surprise literally anyone?

Hey “(self-proclaimed) world’s most comprehensive data center on radical Islamic terrorist groups” said Ellison (black liberal Muslim congressman) is anti-semitic based on a six year old 36 second audio clip that I’m sure was edited only for clarity.

Bullshit futures are soaring.

Black liberal Mussulmen are like a racist turducken for these hillybilly Trump supporters.