It might be like a debt being repaid, "You told us you'd deliver us the Presidency in 2012, Mittens, and you didn't deliver. If you want to keep your kneecaps you best get out there and speak out against that overripe tangerine!"
It might be like a debt being repaid, "You told us you'd deliver us the Presidency in 2012, Mittens, and you didn't deliver. If you want to keep your kneecaps you best get out there and speak out against that overripe tangerine!"
my conspiracy theory is the RNC put him up to this with the promise that they will never speak to him again after november
He’s not relevant, really. His blustering did fuck all to actually stop Trump. The sum total effect of his speech was to maybe sucker a few gullible liberals into swooning over him and write glowing op-eds about how maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy after all. Meanwhile the rest of us had to physically restrain ourselves…
I’d like that order of white bread extra-bland please. Lite mayo on the side.
Well, let’s not water down the word ‘relevant’ just yet.
If ever there were something that deserved Herr Drumpf calling it “Sad!”...
Based on the results since his little “Stop Trump” recital, The Sorest Loser™ remains irrelevant.
Mitt Romney: The answer to a question no one asked.
One of the saddest results of this election is somehow making him relevant again
oh mittens, you sad rich little flower
Meh that’s a shonda but they’re worth it. Us Jews have been through worse.
is Jezebel going to report on Sanders win in Michigan? or at least, share the Gawker piece?
If you have to ask what it is, it’s Art! I’ll take it. xD That is fabulous.
Good use of eminent domain?
This seems like a good place to share this picture I took of Trump-related graffiti in California last summer. I hope it was actually written in pee. (Taken somewhere on highway 1 outside Monterey.)
Awesome. Also, this is such a Mexican thing to say:
Still no coverage of the biggest bombshell in abortion politics that happened last night?
Also amazing news : More and more Latinxs are getting their citizenship just so they can vote against Drumpf.
The most luxurious five-star manure you’ve ever seen in your life. From the same cows we use for our Trump Steaks!
I think part of the criticism wasn’t just that he used the word. But that, while the poverty level for black communities is horrifying and needs to be changed, the vast majority of black people aren’t living in poverty. They don’t live in “ghettos”. But still face racism on ever level.