Good point. I suppose I just meant that unlike with the Queen, with the Prime Minister, you have some democratic say, but I definitely see your point.
Good point. I suppose I just meant that unlike with the Queen, with the Prime Minister, you have some democratic say, but I definitely see your point.
To be fair, the Queen is just a figurehead and the actual head of state is democratically elected...
I totally agree with you. I’ve been there (as the asshole) when I went into a bank and insisted they could make a deposit to my landlord’s account. I gave them the number, and they told me they couldn’t do it. I started getting a little testy and told them I’d done it a number of times before at a different branch.…
Excellent gif usage.
It was pretty damn clear that Patrick Dempsey wanted off the show. I think I’m most surprised that people thought this came out of nowhere.
Cases like this is why I could never be a defense attorney. Totally think that everyone deserves the right to an attorney, but no way in hell could I represent this asshole.
I just don’t understand what possessed Ben Affleck to do that. No one’s going to blame him for having some great great great grandfather who owned slaves. He could have used his platform to provoke meaningful discussion about the topic.
Oh there’s lots of signing of legal documents going on in the US. Sherri is trying to say that she was tricked into signing it or some such bullshit.
Whether or not it’s an odd concept is irrelevant. It’s a thing that happened. This baby wouldn’t exist if Sherri hadn’t originally wanted it.
Oh gosh. I’m so sorry to hear about your experience. I have similar issues, and I know you are not just being a baby. It’s insanely painful. I actually passed out a few months ago at my gyno appointment because of the pain.
Sounds like the judge’s hands were tied here. He couldn’t have convicted because the act didn’t fit the elements of the crime the prosecutors chose. Presumably the prosecutors thought they’d have an easier time with a lesser crime, but they should have realized that a judge couldn’t convict if it didn’t actually fit…
I’ve been wondering the same. I have a few of the “rare” beanie babies and am considering putting them on eBay but I just can’t figure out who the hell would buy them.
So, my mom and I for real got into the beanie baby craze. There were definitely more than 100 made, but some are made with different beans than others and there are other reasons one can be more “rare” than another.
Clothing with names is the #1 thing that leads to kidnapping. ..
I don't understand. You would need a personal assistant to help you do literally everything.
I can’t read. Ignore me.
This is my favorite comment of all time.
I love when conservatives threaten to move to Canada. Do they not know anything about Canadian politics?
I agree, and maybe the week has already ended, but I also feel like if she knew she had this event, she could have done the challenge a different week?
I feel like after playing Olivia for 800 years, Mariska believes they have melded together and become one person.