
He doesn’t have to agree to the divorce, but she still has to give him notice.

What amazes me is that Kylie has none of the Armenian blood in her that the actual Kardashians have. She’s (as far as I know) of all European descent. That is some crazy make up to make her look like she’s a Kardashian.

Is April 3rd the new “announce bad live-action movie ideas as a delayed April Fools joke” day?


I don’t...I don’t understand. There is literally one human character.

I looked up a list after watching Going Clear the other day and most names didn’t bother me, but when I got to Chick Corea, I nearly cried. I mean, wtf, Chick?

Abby Lee seems worse than the moms to me, but I agree that while they're all acting for the cameras, there's a level of insanity among the moms that's hard to swallow.

I really need to learn not to comment on immigration articles here.

And you think basically indefinite detention is befitting of that crime? Because that’s horrific.

Sorry, I misspoke. Crossing the border is a crime, sure, but being in the US illegally is not a crime in and of itself.

Just entering the US illegally is not a criminal issue; it’s a civil issue. These women haven’t actually committed any crimes in the US, they have established credible fear of persecution, and are asking to be treated humanely. Not to mention, even after they are released, it doesn’t mean they can’t still be deported;

I do know that they've started opening stores outside NYC, so you never know!

I was really taken aback by that, too. It seemed like she thought it was super trivial that Bruce (IF s/he's even transitioning) would want breasts. Um, that's not at all trivial for trans women.

That scene KILLS me. Joni's voice with Emma's acting is just a divine combination.

Great point! You really don't see that pairing often/ever.

It sounded to me like he was using his friends as a test to see whether the employee would pocket the money. I could be reading too much into it, though.

I had the extreme displeasure of watching the bride and groom count their money in the most gauche way possible at the gift opening, repeatedly asking each other if they "hit their goal".

I was thinking Selena, too, but she was a child actor on Barney, well before 19.

I'm starting to think all that other shit was them just being like "haha they're going to be so confused by our science they'll miss the real point of the bill which is to make it so low income women can't get abortions! we're geniuses!"

Right? This is my exact reaction, too. I can understand the crazy anti-abortion people who want women to jump through hoops to get an abortion because at least I understand the motive. But with this it just makes the decision that much easier, because 5 hours later you can be like "nope, actually I want that baby I