Wait. WHAT. If the idea is to make having abortions more difficult and to end abortions, why in the world you want to say "hey, this actually isn't a huge decision for you, because I can just zap the baby back into your stomach*."
Wait. WHAT. If the idea is to make having abortions more difficult and to end abortions, why in the world you want to say "hey, this actually isn't a huge decision for you, because I can just zap the baby back into your stomach*."
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or trolling.
Wonderful girl with a great idea + helping bees?? This just made my day.
Wow. You know the vast majority of these people aren't like, serial killers and pedophiles, right?
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt used "Buckley" as the quintessential rich white person kid name. OF COURSE it's Tucker Carlson's brother's name.
I'm pretty sure it's a thing for women, too. I've been trying to remember where I heard it, but I definitely remember seeing some study done where when you add women to a crowd so that they make up around 33%, men perceive women as the majority.
It's funny because it's unlikely that this is a thing - that they need to cast 50% ethnic. It's more likely that as soon as you start adding ethnic characters, white people see it as 50%. It's like that study I heard about somewhere*. When you add women to a crowd so that they make up 33% of the crowd, men…
The fact that we can sit here and list the shows with POC at the helm shows exactly how the pendulum has not "swung too far".
I love love LOVE the idea of the We-vibe that has the smartphone control and I have been dying for one - it sounds super exciting to me. My issue is that I really really hate any sort of penetration (and being a lesbian, I am helped out there) - doesn't matter how stimulated I am, it's usually painful and…
Good point. Uber seems more likely to change than the Philadelphia PD.
Shit, that's scary (I say this as someone who frequently rides in cabs alone in Philly). I'm so sorry that happened to you, and I'm glad it wasn't worse.
Check up thread - the "she shouldn't have gotten in a car with a stranger" comment is already here.
You know, I've never really understood how odds work. I'm sure it's fairly simple and I can see which number is smaller and therefore has a higher chance, but my brain just doesn't understand how one arrives at "5/1" and "11/2".
Sorry, I misinterpreted. I do get your point - it is unfortunate that the general public needs to be reminded that not having ovaries still means you're a woman.
And, I'll add to you disapproval with another - the need to assure women that she's still 'feminine' even though she doesn't have her ovaries. Come on. As if a woman has to have ovaries to be a woman? It offends me because it's both exclusive of trans women and because it suggests that feelings of femininity rank up…
It sounds like you understand that there are differences and you would politely ask. Most of these stories come from people who are so stubborn, proud, and rude that they don't just ask what the waiter means.
That instagram picture is amazing though. Every single one of the "decorative Africans" has a "fucking white people" expression.
Maybe I thought "who I really are" was a British slang thing.
At the end of the day you have to weigh value with cost. Sure, I can stay at a hostel. But if it's worth it to me to pay an extra $50 a night to stay at a hotel, to me, that is money well spent.