
More proof that dachshunds are the best dogs. #TeamDachshund all day every day.

God I hate that shit. I understand that you may not like someone, but to pretend you don't know who an extremely famous person is? Doesn't make you cool.

Right? You gotta find your light at all times.

Oooohhhh that makes more sense.

Barry Satera Kenya

Wait. Is it "you cross"? I've spent a good 3 minutes trying to decipher this.

When he used the word licentiousness, I laughed so hard. You know that dude is so freaking proud of his thesaurus skills.

We're just too smart for you guys. You all don't understand; this is satire, so we're immune from criticism.

I feel the need to comment on every single article that involves "bone broth". I do not get it. Stop it, rich people.

Why do I find this so cute.

Sure, their idiocy could help victims. But I think the point is that they feel that this illegal behavior is so commonplace and so okay that they feel comfortable posting it on social media. What this says is that they don't fear repercussions for their actions and I get that, because white frat boys often don't

I feel like in the beginning they basically just switched Lori and Barbara all the time because god forbid there was more than 1 woman on the panel at once.

Wow, that's unbelievable. This whole thing does seem a bit shady given how quickly it all came about with no public discussions prior to the decision. It will be interesting to see if an investigation is conducted.

That doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like you're drawing some very logical conclusions about what would happen if this were law. There's a reason the government is involved in marriage.

I am so here for the backlash this will cause.

That's really impressive and it sounds very professional and well-organized. I wish you guys all the best. I can't imagine what this all must feel like to the community.

Oh my god. That would be the greatest episode of Wife Swap EVER.

Sweet Briar was stuck in the middle of rural VA with no major or even slightly major cities anywhere nearby. I think that plays a huge part in its closing or at least why enrollment was down. Even as a co-ed school, that's a fairly isolating environment.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. No way the average cost of a venue is $14k.

Mmmhmm. You serve stock in some mason jars and call it bone broth and you can get $25 per jar.