
Oh, this is so sad. I thought they were going to rule on this in March and now it’s May. Don is also gone, though his sister and partner continued his fight for him. So two of the three defendants are not with us anymore. How tragic.

All I’m seeing is Emilia Fart cosplay:

This is so moving, heartbreaking, enraging. I am almost 60. I came of age during what was supposedly the height of “women’s lib”. I believed, as many others did, that things would be so much different, easier, better, for our daughters. Clearly they are not.

Yeaaaah, I think that’s a pretty weird thing to get angry at him about. He said: “I want to take a moment to just say thank you to Eve, who always stood by me for 22 years. And my four children — Clara, Esther, Jamyan and Anouk — I love you. ... There wouldn’t have been any Emmit Stussy without David Thewlis and

When I had my abortion, I was made to wait until 10 weeks b/c I lived in a place that did not offer medical abortions (the pill you take at home in the early stages) so I had to wait to be booked for a surgical abortion (D&C). That wait was excruciating.

A while ago I was offered a job in Berlin, so I upped sticks and moved, looking forward to turning a new page. It was a bright spot in what had been a dreary few years: working long hours for a series of startups that never amounted to anything, endless travel and a relationship that had been dead in the water for

I’ve lived with pretty severe bipolar disorder I since I was 14 (diagnosed only at age 28, but the symptoms set in far, far earlier than that). I know the pain of being so depressed you can’t get out of bed for days at a time, so much that even the thought of showering is too exhausting to accomplish. I know how it

Sweetheart, the beautiful coming years will bring us the fulfillment of our home of dreams, in which we will never use any baking powder except Rollings Reliable.

This whole story was so blatantly ridiculous that I was surprised it wasn’t an email forward from my mother

Well, as someone who doesn’t actually have enough money to follow Radiohead around the country as I would very much like to, this is wonderful.

Thank you for this reminder. I’ll put WI PP on my winter list. I can’t make much more than a small donation, but I hope it will help.

I know that there have been a ton of more relevant articles to publish this to, but my phone seems to die every time I find one.

My sister is an insufferable narcissist whose entire purpose in life I’m fairly certain is to make other people feel bad about themselves.