
Fuck tRump and his idiot deplorables.  He’s a fucking treasonous POS.

Rename it the Gulf of Deeez Nutz!! you cowards

I’m shocked he didn’t rename it “Golf of America”

So basically, we’re prone to stupid shit that makes the rest of the world roll their eyes. 

We aren’t.  We’re just almost never referring to the territorial waters that a president can rename.  We’re mostly talking about the area of international navigation.  Which is almost all of it.

I just wish Hunter S. Thompson could organize his eventual state funeral.

Eh, that was a tongue in cheek sort of thing, really.  This is considerably more fucked up.

Yeah, but it’s not that Bragg. It totally isn’t that Bragg!

They are capitalist, which adheres to no policy.

Not sure if you’re aware of this commonly overlooked feature on convertibles, but they come with a retractable top that can be erected during and prior to inclement weather. It’s great at keeping water droplets from contacting your hair. And dogs are perfectly happy in the front passenger seat.

they are whatever moneyed interest wants them to be. cowards. 

Anyone remember how we were going to rename french fries “freedom fries” because the French opposed the invasion of Iraq?

You know they’ll just get another Subaru.

I gave up on Google long ago. I only use its products when I have to, like for work, or when there isn’t a better alternative, like internet (cause Google Fiber hands down beats the ever loving shit out of Comcast internet.)

Mare Incognitum, or here there be idiots to the north

Funny how people used to think Silicon Valley and Big Tech were liberal.


We live in the dumbest timeline