EMisasaltyB_Jalopnik is dead

Ammonia is fine for glass but not for tint.
Some resources suggest using magic erasers to clean your windows, but magic erasers are made of a melamine foam that is inherently abrasive and will ruin an aftermarket tint job.”
Is it actually legal anywhere to tint a windshield? Please don’t.

Sometimes end consumers figure out issues that engineers can’t simply because they use their vehicles in a million unpredictable ways.

Since the pic wasn’t included in the story (Bradley might not want to use the image from another site) here you go:

Ammonia-based cleaners can also damage glass

It’s easy to just wipe it down once in a while. I never use any cleaners on my inside windows and they are perfect - just wipe it with a clean cloth once in a while, ya grubs. Same goes for the other surfaces - just water as needed. So many cleaners can affect the plastics and leathers and then contribute to

It’s the exact opposite in my experience, less a brand thing than a location thing. When you work in this business everyone knows what the culture is at every store within an hour’s drive.

I can’t. I won’t. I’ve seriously somehow found one of the very few dealerships that is fair, upfront, and employs nothing but truly amazing people.  There isn’t a person working at this store that I wouldn’t trust to watch my kids, and that’s the honest to goodness truth. I’d never leave.

Don’t know bud, but it looks like they picked neither.

They want customers to sign a very wordy and awkward “Arbitration form” that they hope will help them not have to buy back so many cars.

If you read the long reply by H4llelulah, the reason why we the consumers find these dealers shady and crappy is because Stellantis is getting what they paid for.

Spot on, They won’t sell enough EV chargers for at least a couple years. Maybe the V6 one. But yea, sitting on a mini truck was dumb, makes me think I could take a whack at the CEO spot, doesn’t sound that difficult if Carlos could run it to the ground.

He experienced waymo problems than expected.

This.  I’ve worked customer service.  Most of the time I acted like a human, but there were times when my brain was pretty much checked out and I’m sure I came across as sounding pretty robotic.

I see a couple of issues with the guy’s claims. For one, he just sat there, seatbelt on, letting the car drive him in circles. If he wanted the car to stop all he had to do was interfere with its controls. Sounds like if the car was driving toward a boat ramp he’d just let it happen. lol

With a title like “LA tech entrepreneur” I’m going to guess they’re more of a businessperson than anything else, perhaps an MBA, and thus not the brightest bulb in the hardware store’s distribution center.

Who just sits there and accepts their fate? There was an obvious solution.

Guy climbs into a driverless car to get to the airport, and can’t find an actual person to complain to, wondering where is the human connection to this.

It’s funny how the dealers that I trust the least are Dodge/Ram/Jeep dealers. I swear that the car dealership in Fargo was based on a Dodge/Ram/Jeep dealer.

If it’s something important, like catching a flight, why would you trust a fucking stupid computer to get you there on time?  I might take a Waymo if I’m ever wanting to waste some time, but I’m not trusting a dipshit algorithm to get me anywhere important.

He also said he wasn’t sure if the customer service agent was real or AI, which he found concerning. “Where’s the empathy?