EMisasaltyB_Jalopnik is dead

$4,500 for the automatic transmission upgrade is ridiculous in this day and age.

They heard what we want but forgot that we also care about price and quality

A $4500 upcharge to avoid a notoriously problematic manual transmission (clutch) is ludicrous.

If Stellantis listened to their customers why the fuck would their customers be abandoning them?  Just more corporate speak from executives that aren’t fit to run a lemonade stand.

The “i want to spend 3 days in literally nowhere” is covered by tents and a single ocean liner. Everyone else visits London w a day trip to Stonehenge or something. I’m sure every nation has a destination like that. So don’t have a restriction on your choices.

Lierally the same thing w gear ratio difference. Because it’s more expensive otherwise.

You just tie your big airship to a building and hope it’s still there in the morning. lol

First stiff breeze will sink this idea.

‘08 Housing crash, banks get bailed out while people get their homes foreclosed.

“You don’t need masses of infrastructure like an airport or train line with an aircraft like this – all you need is a flat surface for landing,” she said. “It opens up lots of opportunities to connect places that aren’t currently connected, for example communities in places like the Highlands and Islands in

That’s also the problem with flying low (where you don’t need pressurization). The big advantage of flying high is you can fly above most weather. 

I find a business model of “we take 10x longer to get you there” questionable.

I just keep looking at the GIF and it’s crazy anyone would believe that.

I don’t see this doing well. Spain gets super windy and if you’re trying to get from Ibiza to the mainland, I can see flights getting cancelled over it. I run into similar when I fly out of Gibraltar because of the Levante (not the car).

Is this a repeat from 2019 2014 2009 2004 1999 1994 1989 ......

With a kerosene engine, better known as Jet-A, it won’t be any quieter than your turboprop.  In fact, likely a very similar engine. 

Yes, the “market adjustment” on the sticker is now seemingly part of every transaction.

It’s nearly impossible to keep a secret once more than a handful of people are involved.

Lady in my neighborhood FB group posted if people have been seeing all the drones over the neighborhood. She then posted a video from another neighbor that was a fucking airline on final into the nearest large international airport about 20 miles away. Not to mention we live right near a busy regional airport too. Some

It is my boring opinion that there are very very very few actual secret conspiracies.