EMisasaltyB_Jalopnik is dead

Is our market so fucked right now that a 45 year old VW has appreciated to nearly double its MSRP when it was new? ND until that extra zero comes off.

They certainly do, and it definitely would.

totally looks like the car crashed into the tree first. 

No evidence they were Republicans. Various components, including other reports that they weren’t even told who they were campaigning for until they took the job, suggests they were hired not for being Trump supporters, but for being people who were desperate enough to work for the low wages.

Yeah, don’t they put pets in the cargo hold?

For nitrogen, it would be 0%, unless you intentionally injected water into it. The process to make it removes any humidity.

A rudder’s a rudder.

Ok max verCrashen, everyone but you is cheating.

We’re talking about canvassers that were flown or driven to Michigan from other states, and then abandoned there after they were unable to fulfill unrealistic work quotas.  Not having a driver’s licence would seriously impact their ability to get themselves home.

Shit... The Orcas can fly now.

None of the workers featured in the report had valid driver’s licenses.”

As much as I want to say these people got what they deserved, I know that at least some of them were just doing whatever they could to earn a buck.”

This is the sign you’re not going to like the candidate that’s hiring you.

“Have we arrived yet?”

It’s just this little guy. He’s small so hard to spot.

There is a big difference between towing something that is free to move other than wind and rolling resistance and yanking something that is stuck out of the mud.

It’s important to note that they weren’t told which candidate they were campaigning for until after they were hired.

As much as I want to say these people got what they deserved, I know that at least some of them were just doing whatever they could to earn a buck.

The wheel wells are unpressurized and obviously also unheated. The cargo hold IS pressurized, and heated simply by sharing the same heated, pressurized air as the passenger cabin. It’s not going to be brutally cold down there, nor will there be any lack of oxygen. The fuselage is a single pressure vessel with the

Ah, been a awhile since you talked to amazon support? They have been much less willing to help post COVID