EMisasaltyB_Jalopnik is dead

Kendall sure. She seems like the most level-headed of the family honestly. 

Pretty sure she personally has absolutely zero to do with it getting released a day early.

He’s also a woman-beating POS so no, I don’t think he’s very bright.

Out of all of these shows, Dawson’s Creek was literally the only one I ever watched

Early Millennial here (1984) and you won’t catch me grocery shipping online. My wife has done it a few times and the order is never right. Things are missing or substituted with no approval, etc.

I’ll have to check that, thanks!

I bought 4 after playing it on game pass for a while and have 5 on game pass. I find myself going back to 4 most of the time honestly.

Lego? I think you commented on the wrong article lol

Lego? I think you commented on the wrong article lol

Why would I give them my Xbox one for $50 when I can sell it for more than that easily?

Why would I give them my Xbox one for $50 when I can sell it for more than that easily?

Now playing

Also Game Pass. 7700k @ 5GHz, 16GB DDR4 2666, GTX 1080 stock clocks, 2TB NVME M.2 SSD with a 2k ultrawide on the medium preset.

Got McDonald’s last week for the wife and I. She got the quarter pounder. Took a few bites and said it was cold. Assumed it was just that. Then she took a good look at it and the entire inside of the beef was still raw FFS. Outside looked perfectly cooked but the inside was pink and cold.

Another clown who got popular off of other peoples' writing accused of being a POS. I’m shocked.

YT still demonitizes, blocks, strikes etc popular accounts because of bullshit that has no basis at all. YT is going downhill.

The store I usually go to seems to have disabled the scales a year or two ago, probably for just that reason. It’s nice to be able to just put the bag right in the cart now

Exactly. Good thing we have all these laws saying felons cannot possess firearms huh?

Yea I don’t recall ever seeing a POC into this BS. Every video I’ve ever seen has been white people.

I mean, they can’t even get a headline right so you expect a GMG writer to do fact-checking?

Also more single-use technology that’ll just get tossed into the landfills. I’m pretty sure it’ll also make cardboard packaging impossible to recycle as well.

To be fair the only totally open one sI see are the floor ones not the closet-style ones. Basic thermodynamics plays in here where the cold air will want to stay down inside the open freezer for the most part.

JJ’s doesn’t know what a toaster is so they can fuck right off