EMisasaltyB_Jalopnik is dead

Reddit mods are children that suck at life and ban you for literally just disagreeing with them.

Except it’s the legal name of the company now so they kinda have to in an article

Just more quality GMG writing and editorial checking

Some places do a cash discount but the coffee place down the street that I go to for my wife on occasion has a little paper sign on the drive thru window that says customers using a card will be charged an additional fee.

That happens here at the local gas station randomly. I’ll walkin and there’s “cash only” signs taped everywhere. Which is fine because I’m still cash 95% of the time.

Also I find that fast food bacon tends to be undercooked and chewy. I want my bacon crispy.

I have a bank account but I refuse to use my debit card for pretty much everything. I use Google Pay which will give you a random one-time-use card number for transactions which is sweet.

Massachusetts has banned cashless policies since the 1970s.

The average person can’t legally own a machine gun so there’s that 

Basic GMG writing sadly

Couldn’t have said that any better myself

This. That was 100% a mental issue IMO

Can we trade her for that POS Erin?

I was in GTA online on PC from the start but unlike seemingly most of the players on there I have more important things to do than grind a game 24/7 so I fell behind FAST. Then I would hope on only to be unalived repeatedly by some clown in an indestructible car. Instantly takes the fun out.

I unknowingly used a third party delivery when Chipotle was doing their “free delivery” promotion last year or the year before. My burrito came in 40 minutes from the Chipotle that’s about 2 minutes from my work. Then it was cold and flattened like it had a bunch of other shit piled on top of it. 

They’ll deliver pinpoint to anywhere but not to my house that’s 0.4 miles out of the delivery zone of the closest one to me

My issue with Discord is its 1999 AOL chatroom style. It’s just a long ongoing thread and seems to be a PITA to find replies or keep a singular topic going, at least for the handful of times I’ve tried it for various things. Why not just go back to standard forums where everything is categorized and easy to find??

Same, it’s been nice not wasting hours on reddit.

Got shadow banned from Jalopnik (along with others) for constantly calling out Erin Marquis for writing blatantly false and/or dumb shit in her articles. Let’s not forget her getting shitcanned from NYT for the profanity-filled voicemail thing she did. Then GMG goes and hires her back at Jalopnik LOL

Yea this looks pale in comparison to what NASA used for the shuttle honestly