EMisasaltyB_Jalopnik is dead

Unless they’re rich then they go to fancy “prisons”

Serving size is relevant when it comes to the nutrition label which is the point of this entire article.

See I actually liked the adventurefuls. They weren’t amazing but they tasked like brownie to me

The chips she wants are ALL LIKE THIS.

We used to go to PH as a kid all the time - their pizza was great. Then they all closed and then one small take out location opened up in a strip mall. I remember having Dominos back in teh day and ti was awful. There’s a new one near the PH and OMG their pizza is so much better than I remember. I actually prefer it

They’re online only thanks to the proverbial shit covered fan of the Adventurefuls release last year according to my cousin who has two girls that sell them. They sold out of them in like a month and sold a lot less of the regular cookies so the switched the new release to online only and moved the release date back

You can only get them once a year.

Add Amazon to that list while we’re at it

Not on me they don’t. The nearest one is an 8.5 hour drive away.

What a dumb article.

The best part about GTA V: The single player storyline.

More like the author can’t be bothered to say that the serving size - while being different physical quantities - are the exact same weight (85 g)

Glad someone else noticed this. That right there invalidates this article. Fewer individual tots but the same weight of food product.

We have an RO system at home and work put in a filtered water station which is nice.

We bought a filtered RO system that we use for drinking water and I tee’d off the line to run to the icemaker as well. It’s so nice. I grew up drinking our town water but after having the RO water the tap water just tastes terrible now.

As a MA resident it’s much worse than the little things you’re seeing. He was such a useless governor it’s not even funny

Brown is always doing the things we don’t want him to do.

being struck by lightening

I mean, in all fairness that’s what, like 10 coffee’s from them?

They’re all terrible. Battlefield is so much better of a franchise and game set. It’s also not filled with nearly as many 10 year old racist shitbags.