Really stupid.
Really stupid.
Sadly, I think they already are commonplace in most schools.
Do not know if this is true, but I read yesterday, that kids from Marjory Stoneman High were tweeting as the shooting and lock down was going on. And kids from other high schools with past shootings were replying to them telling them what to do - telling them places they had hid to survive, how they got out of their…
I have been reading pretty smutty historical romances since I was a pre-teen and have had a few chicken or egg moments trying to figure out if I sought them out because the non-con scenes turned me on. Or if I find that sort of thing arousing because I read so many of them at a young age.
I am tired of men defining real rape as “the level which I haven’t done to a woman”. The rape definition changes and doesn’t get believed because these men feel guilty as fuck because they knew in their hearts they’ve crossed lines and boundaries. Tarantino sits at home at night and lies to himself he’s not a rapist…
The Shape of Water is del Toro - who as far as I’m aware is a sweetie - not Tarantino.
There are no fucking words after that, none. He’s finished, done. I’ve heard some attempted defences of people over the course of the post-Weinstein saga but never anything so extraordinarily disregarding of what actually happened as this with Tarantino wanting to be a pedant about the legal definition of rape all of…
Raped and murdered by Rhaegar or the mad king.
“We learned a lot from the season finale, “The Dragon And The Wolf,” like how seven seasons of incest is just enough time to make people okay with it...”
He seems to have Alta Vista at best.
Falling in line every time JUST MOVES THE FUCKING LINE.
This whole “OBEY ANY AND EVERY ORDER YOU ARE GIVEN OR YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS ARE FORFEIT” deal aboard airliners is getting really old.
You know, I went and looked it up!
Yes because 70-somethings are senile and dumb hahahahahahahahaha! :-/
that’s why there are multiple rules - people fail, and that’s expected. glitch on one, be mortified at your negligence, and vow to be more vigilant in the future.
In my gun safety class, we were not allowed to have live ammo in the *building* during class. I had just come from purchasing my gun and my instructor told me I was allowed to have the unloaded gun with me, but I would have to take my ammo boxes back to my car. Every time he picked up his weapon, he removed the…