DV registry...I don’t know why that’s never occurred to me but it’s a damn good idea
DV registry...I don’t know why that’s never occurred to me but it’s a damn good idea
“If you have an issue with how your taxes are allocated speak to your MP don’t tweet at a 95 year old figurehead.”
Oh how I wish folks would learn this lesson!
Commercial radio is a boys club. Most radio execs are men, most station managers are men, most djs are men.
We need to start putting men who commit domestic violence on watch lists. Not only are they more likely to murder their partners, they are more likely to commit other crimes, including domestic terrorism.
Physical destruction of co-workers’ property is grounds for dismissal out in the real world.
Ms. Holloway seems like an interesting and well-spoken person but it’s silly to present her as a “typical sex worker.”
I’m really not sure it is. The island is effectively an independent nation. It is part of India because it is near India, and because India has claimed it and nobody with any authority has argued against it. They have not elected to become part of that state, and almost certainly don’t even comprehend that their…
How about GTFO calling Inuit peoples “Eskimos”? Signed, someone actually from a place where much of the populace, including the Inuit, hunt seal for its meat and fur. Christ alive, I moved from Labrador to British Columbia and I swear to god the animal rights people herein BC would spit on a homeless person, and mix…
Ooooooooooooor, he could’ve recognized that he was in a position of power and kept his dick in his pants no matter if a pretty young intern was making goo-goo eyes at him?
You forgot to mention the inner joy you get when their tantrums bring nothing but smiles and more politeness and they don’t know what to do.
As a veteran, and a disabled one at that, I beg you people: Stop trying to hump us.
Yes I did. After a particularly bad outburst during a cookout where the little girl was crying and they were yelling at her stop and to “stop being a little brat.” I told my ex’s mom and sister that they needed to calmly talk to the girl and explain that her behavior wasn’t okay but they would listen to her if…
How about equipping gate agents with breathalyzers for use on obviously impaired passengers before they can board the flight? Blow more than a .10 and you are denied boarding. Blow more than a .08 and the flight crew is told not to serve you more alcohol on board.
Nice reporting.
You can bet that if she were white no charges would have been filed, or even considered, for that matter.
If your kid does that, you raised a shitty kid.
Ding Dong out here doing the most!
As a public service to my fellow readers, I checked out the comments section on “Brietbart”, gaining an insight into how the VSWP (Very Scary White People) are thinking.
“entitlement programs”
If I won I'd do the thing rich people do and invest some of it so it turns into more money, and I'd start buying elections until I could get enough people elected to do real campaign finance reform so people like me couldn't buy elections anymore.