
Obesity is just one factor though. The maternal mortality rates are wrapped up in?a half a dozen different issues. Also obesity is just another Republican way of victim blaming without taking any responsibility. Either for healthcare or the obesity epidemic both of which they helped cause.

Yeah to me it falls under the same issue of casting people with skeletal dysplasia to play dwaves in the Lord of the Rings projects. While its sounds like a great idea there are not many people with skeletal dysplasia who are physically able to ride horses at full speed and jump around and do the stunts those roles

Do you realize your using a slur there? Its odd attempting to defend a marginalized group by using a term they consider offensive. Kinda makes it seem like you don’t know what you are talking about. Also the parallels between the Harfoots and the UK’s traveling peoples are deliberate as Tolkien was trying to create a

I would really like to visit whatever privileged fairyland you live in. One thing your missing is that the doctor in this case is a black man. If he goes into the prison system (especially in Louisiana) odds are he never comes out again. He might get released briefly but odds are he would go back if he doesn’t die in

Personally its she had power but she had plenty of influence. If she had said privately to Margaret Thatcher “Hey maybe we should take a softer line with the IRA it might help sort out o all these Troubles” there’s no way Thatcher would have just ignored it. To me the Queens guilt is a similar moral question to are

As a current member (I am Canadian Indigenous) and descendant( My Dad’s side is Irish) of several of those cultures who are celebrating I will attempt to explain it.

I think Kanye and Shia should be under a conservator or in some other types of forced mental health program. Both crossed the threshold of being a danger to self or others several years ago. More residential treatment for mental illness would be good for society in general imo. Not jails for crazy people but places

Doctors not wanting to go to jail is not cowardice its triage. If this doctor had preformed the abortion and gone to jail how many other patients would have suffered? He would also not be able to advocate for this woman as effectively from jail. There is already an OB shortage you want make things worse for women,

Even in lily white parts of Canada the Royals are not that popular. Too many of those people wound up in Canada because of the Famine in Ireland or the Clearances in Scotland and have no love for the Empire or its Queen.

The most fascinating part of all of this is how miserable and dissatisfied Brad Pitt comes off in all this. I mean he is one of the most beautiful people on the planet with an amazing career making stupid amounts of money but his actions are of someone very insecure and bitter. I think he is fighting Angelina so hard

Lord of the rings would look like shit on YouTube’s crappy resolutions though so it still wouldn’t be a fair fight. For this female viewer though one show has woman being ripped open and the other has its badass female lead ripping open trolls, Lord of the Rings wins easily. Tolkien was a feminist George R Martin I’m

I heard they had budget cuts as part of the renewal deal so they may have just decided to cut the dead weight. Or they wanted him to commit to being in more episodes and couldn’t come to an agreement. I wonder how they are going to write him out though and still have his kid. Maybe have go off on some military

Megan Markle is black women who married into the one of the most powerful and one of the most historically important white families on the planet. She has been and will always be relevant and important for that alone. It’s a watershed moment in human history and the way she was treated shows how far we have come and

One of the worst ways the right weaponizes ignorance is using the average person lack of understanding and taxes. Mailman isn’t paying for shit. The interest on student loans in the US is so ridiculous the program could be restructured so it just pays for itself and wipe out a huge chunk of existing debt at the same

Not to mention the nasty judgements about mental illness. Jolie’s history of cutting and addiction somehow always seems to equal her being a lying psychopath. People still get way too much of their information from tv.

Brad Pitt is still responsible for his own actions regardless of anything Angelina Jolie did. Brad is the one who responded with violence when a 15 year old called him a prick. That is on him and that makes him an abusive asshole regardless of any "vindictive" or "crazy" actions of anyone else or any alcohol in his

Based on my experience these sort of problems tend to self police. Most of these cottage kitchens are very grassroots and so word gets around about the scammers and bad cooks quickly. If word of mouth doesn't get them the reviews will.

One of the main reasons Canadian cops are better paid than their US counterparts is because it does lower rates of corruption. This has been studied in both Toronto and Montreal. If we want real change we have to look at roots of behavior not just shame and look down on those who fall short. I’m sure there are those

There is also the fact that regardless if there is an actual advantage a perceived advantage might be enough to have less scrupulous coaches and programs try and forcibly transition their athletes. The old East German team for instance would have already been looking at their male teams and sizing up who could be

Its funny but it was actually photo’s that Depp’s team provided that convinced me Amber was telling the truth. On the infamous interview on Jimmy Kimmel they showed stills that Deep’s team claim shows her perfectly fine. Except if you look closely at the photos you can see her face is swollen. You have to look because