
If you’d listened to her story, a drop of native blood got her family run out of town.

“ After Dan confiscated the bottle of drugs Becky said, “That’s the only thing from mom’s closet that I wanted.” Because I guess a the end of the day, even if they killed your mother that you’re grieving for, we can all agree that drugs are still a lot of fun.)“

A little background:

So I’m curious how is it not illegal to be a Nazi in this country? How is the ideology not labeled a terrorist threat? Their members not labeled foreign combatants? I’m pretty sure if you showed up in NY trying to rep ISIS or the Taliban your ass would be kill on sight. Is it really just “because white people!”?

How about, she’s allowed her opinion and you’re allowed yours?  I'm so weary of the pressure that we must all march in lockstep together on he said, she said; we *always* have to believe the woman.  That conformity is dangerous.  And worse, concluding that Rowling is a garbage person because she disagrees with you? 

The worst are those weird peanutbutter candies in the orange or brown paper wrappings.

Uh... look around. You see the same kind of comments about right-wingers on this site every day. I am NOT comparing the ideologies of the two, or doing some “both sides” bullshit. I do believe that the right is far more capable of political violence, as a rule, than the left. But the tendency to paint the other side

Very true, but they need to do that to escape from poverty. Cheap energy is what develops nations and raises the standard of living. Telling them to stay in poverty because some scientists, who have never been accurate in any of their previous claims, say that the world will end if they build a reliable electrical

“If I was going to get killed I was going to get killed as a fighter, not because I am a Jew...” may we all be so strong in the face of darkness. Baruch dayan ha’emet.

Alright, this is 100% proof that elephants are fucking awesome.

This is why the solution for illegal immigration and really even immigration on the whole isn’t making it harder for people to immigrate here, it’s fixing the immigration system so that the process is fair, simple, and transparent. We all benefit from immigrants, in this case quite literally there is a monetary


Yes. I love this! This is what real reform looks like and the Sessions DOJ is not interested in freeing black folks, so we must forge ahead ourselves. People, please donate to this effort in STL and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund which works tirelessly for these kinds of issues in other states, especially the southern

I don’t see it mentioned here, but one of the other articles mentioned that the servers on this group were making 20-40% less in this new no-tipping model. So the problem was they didn’t set an appropriate wage when they shifted away from tipping. Of course veterans were leaving for other jobs.

Just wrote a version of this on Twitter, will repeat here:

Jesse Williams did something stupid but I really hate the idea in the twitter posts above that it somehow makes him whiter. America is the land of the one drop rule and he has been very outspoken about being a black man who has had a black experience. The idea that the color of his skin somehow makes him suspect seems

Interesting enough, she was fired for getting arrested, not for actually committing the crime? Shouldn’t “showing you are a completely useless, incapable, mind-numbingly bad police officer who can’t even recognize their own apartment, let alone know better than to shoot at a ‘shadow’ without being sure, say, it’s not

I guess you must’ve missed this part:

Unless it’s shown that those officers themselves did something negligent or reckless, then no, they shouldn’t be held responsible. What decisions did they make that led to two deaths? That’s the question. The decision to transport them that day was probably not a decision made by the two officers who actually drove

How could you omit Jennifer Lewis? Fashion. Statement. Of. The. Evening.