
“God Bless” the stamp of a self righteous churchgoing holier than thou Becky. Pops up everywhere, in any conversation where she feels she is so smugly correct it must be ordained.  

Note: “God Bless” also appears a “Have a blessed day”, “be blessed”,or “Bless you” when used to precede a statement.

“Who knows, maybe the Vorta will be gambling-addict alcoholic sex fiends!”

Am I the only one who doesn’t give af about this dude but is only concerned of Julie Chen rn?

She is obligated to not contribute to sexploitation of other women. Lily Allen is yet another female enabler/predator and more will come to light. I’m looking at you Mia Farrow.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see a woman really claiming her pursuit of pleasure?


Yeah, the shitty regulation and the fake-negotiated rates are absolutely part of it. But there’s so much more. Our system is broken from top to bottom.

Whites are not powerful. SOME whites are powerful.

This is a bit of a shock to me.

Canadas racism next to America’s racism is like an average person standing next to a morbidly obese person - by comparison the average person looks thin, but they arent -  it’s just because of how big America’s racism the other person is.

“We would like to apologize to those who were hurt,” festival producers said in a statement. “It was not our intention at all.”

Please don’t forget the historic abuse of Ireland by the rapacious Crown of England. The war crimes of Cromwell and the genocide of The Great Hunger being the most infamous.

Kind of overlooking the fact that the reason it’s called the Nobel Prize is because it was established at the direction of Alfred Nobel, who left his entire fortune in trust to fund it, specifically because of his lifelong guilt about the damage done by his invention. A rather sizable difference between that and

My mother took the latter approach. She read me the books when I was 5 or 6, and used the bigoted bits as teachable moments. A history lesson of sorts. “This is how people thought/felt circa 1870/1880. This is the history behind that. This is what happened because of their ignorance. This is why their beliefs were

I am going to start calling white people European-Americans from now on. It’s my new thing, lol.

I can’t wear flip flops because of my high arches. My feet are like “What the fuck is this shit? We can’t work under these conditions.” And the straps tear my skin up (same with strappy shoes of any heel type). Other people think I’m insane and/or flat out lying because I find flip flops less comfortable than a good

I woke up today and said to myself “You know what this country really needs? Something the Germans figured out years ago. Functioning Universal Healthcare - Nah. A stronger middle class- LOL, nah. What we really need is our own SS and Gestapo. That’s what will really make us Great Again.”

Yes, the law is the law, and people like you like it that way.

So the “Law” is something written in Stone. No matter what it does.