
Frankly if you love this ridiculous garbage I seriously question your intelligence. Paw Patrol is always just ludicrously bad calling most episodes a story is a stretch let alone a good story.

Its not greed if it is what you are owed. Disney has been trying to use streaming to squeeze its talent for ages. They have been pulling this crap for years. Disney also pulls it on many people who aren't millionaires Scarlett is just the one calling them on it.

The irony is while Matt is more successful he gets asked about Ben a lot more than Ben gets asked about Matt. Price he pays for being the boring family man I guess

Rowling is hardly solely responsible for UK legislation. Being angry is one thing proving the other sides point is another. Advocating for violence against women is not okay even if its for Megan Kelly. Tweeting death threats is not protesting, taking a knee or any kind of civil disobedience. Being oppressed does not

Yeah Liam or the other one would be a hilarious Loki

That's not really true Henry the VIII hit five hundred pounds centuries before there was processed sugar. Fat people have always existed there are just more of them in modern times. Sugar is part of the problem but it not the whole problem any more than carbs or fats are.

Diet culture is also ignoring the fact that some people are genetically fucked and will probably never meet anyones definition of thin and that means they are disgusting. Or that they just lack "willpower"

I like the characters for one Star Trek characters always have their own unique twists. While the story needed work it was satisfying overall. I also feel Star Trek in general has a depth that goes beyond just nostalgia. Seven’s story in particular benefited not just from nostalgia but from the characters long

This just proves that Trump is truly deluded and the US really needs a way to remove a president who is no longer sane.

Tom Bricker is that you?

You could also make they same point about various Mardi Gras Krews that were segregated or sex exclusive. Many of the Krews(I’m thinking of Rex in particular here) have highly racist policies or were based in white supremacy.

Just another chapter in AV Clubs history of performative wokeness. You know where they allow their mostly white staff to decry every perceived once on the mostly white shows they cover. That wau their mostly white audience can pat themselves on the back and say they read AV Club as proof they are not racist. It means

I think Dylan cared more about DJ more than he let on. He thought he was the boys father and he bonded with him. I think he went after Jess because he was afraid of losing his son. People have done worse to protect their kids. Look at John and Lori. I wish DJ had wound up with Dylan and his parents it seems like they

Or like a lot of cultural and religious traditions not everyone agreed on what was kosher and what isn't and it took time for it to coalesce in to its modern form. Even today various groups have different versions of what is or isn't kosher.

He can spend time with his children in a supervised manner and earn back their trust. That’s part of the sticking point in the kids not getting their say. The kids are old enough to decide if they don’t want to spend time with their father. Honestly I think if this judge truly gave a damn about the kids that is what

The real question is has Pitt actually changed? Jolie has stated he has a history of domestic violence and has testified to that affect. It very easy for abusers to pretend to be fine in court and then flip the switch behind closed doors. Personally I think the fact that Maddox has rejected Brad so completely and

Yes this exactly this is not black and white. Its also not Belfast or White Settlers vs Native Americans. Please stop using the Native American genocide as an example no this not the same thing and citing doesn’t make you look woke. It just shows how piss poor the American school system is. Signed an actual Aboriginal.

Don’t forget they want to boost birth rates in poor white people so they can get more votes. Its not a coincidence they are pushing it so hard just as several traditionally red states like Mississippi are in danger of shifting to purple or even full on blue because thet are now majority minority.

I don’t think its a matter of sides, that implies it black and white. I think Israel’s reaction is overkill. I do however recognize that Israel has perhaps on of the best examples of generational trauma on the planet and that does play a role in these decisions. Its not meant as an excuse just an explanation. I also

Yeah that's kind of how I feel about this. Honestly it feels more like the author is bashing the actress for not sharing her opinion rather than any actual journalism. This is were Cancel Culture gets dangerous because Gal Gadot has every right not to engage her political opinion and demanding that she does is short