
The Israelis were actually in the area thousands of years before Palestinians even existed. So no the Palestinians are not the “Native Americans” of this particular story. Its more complex than that. Yes Israel is the greater military power but its Hamas who swears they won’t settle for anything but eradication of

McDonald’s did fuck up boiling water. That was the main issue in the infamous lawsuit from the lady who spilled coffee on herself. The water used to make it was so hot it actually melted the container.

Erin Kellyman has a British mother and a Jamaican father. Which I suspect was a deliberate choice. The Flag Smashers were made of people who left their homelands for better lives after the Blip and were now refugees. It would have been odd if they did conform to national stereotypes. Also Karli was originally Karl in

I still feel like they might be setting up another twist where Sharon has been replaced by a Skrull. The lack of interest in medical attention kinda hints at that too.

I find making smaller incremental changes more effective than a giant sweeping changes. I switched out pop for low sugar iced tea for instance. I swapped potato chips for apple slices. Its been slow but I am seeing results. In the end your more likely to stick with smaller changes anyway.

When we are talking about several thousand years ago no evidence is not the same thing as being disproven. Even if it was does it matter? You are dismissing a 3000 year old tradition with something that sounds a lot like blood libel. Its clearly not your faith so maybe you should just shut up and be respectful. I

Actually its debatable how much truth there is or isn’t to Exodus. Its a legend and is naturally a mix of truth and fact. Passover isn’t any more “weird” than celebrating someone rising from the dead or any of the Catholic lives of the Saints. Please take your Anti Semitic dog whistles elsewhere.

Let them the world will be a better place

As someone in customer service who uses Slack to communicate with co-workers this is definitely not a good idea to allow everyone in. Some Karen or troll could easily use it to harass the customer service rep who already said no on the phone. No too mention the crazies who might actually try to track us down like they

Yeah exactly even staff from English middle class backgrounds complain about the ridiculous level of palace etiquette, someone like Markle never stood a chance. I’m Aboriginal and I’ve been referred to as “aggressive” more than once. Frankly in one case it simply felt like code for not white.

Yeah I have a sneaking suspicion when it all comes out the “incidents” will all be fairly normal expressions of anger and frustration from an African-American woman that are viewed with the most extreme prejudice. The Firm staff included are the whitest, most British people on Earth I have no doubt every sigh from

Harry pulled an attention seeking stunt he didn't shave his head and start attending rallies. He admitted it was stupid and regrettable and has obviously moved on.

Its also idiotic because the Monarchy has survived because its changed and evolved. Henry VIII would have just cut off Megan Markle’s head. Like tightgate way too many people are like “Its protocol they have to wear tights anything else is an abomination”. When really the whole tights protocol is based on ridiculous

Royal protocol is merely a tradition not a commandment handed down by God. It has evolved and changed over time. No one has worn tights regularly in twenty years. Its not unreasonable for Megan Markle to think it might change or that some wiggle room might be allowed for a 5 year old. Not to mention several of her

Actually that could be awesome but it would work better as a limited series. Bashir is in the Sol system for a medical conference and something blows up near him. He goes to his old friend Garak who is now the Cardassian ambassador to Earth(its where he ends up in the EU books) for answers. A lot noir and abuse of

I have noticed this but mostly with Superstore butter which was always slightly crappy anyway. I suspect because they sell more they are using slightly lower quality to begin with. Its also possible what I have bought elsewhere was simply made pre pandemic since its been a while.

She wasn’t fired for that one post though. She was fired because she had been warned by Pascal (and probably every boss and their boss at Disney) to knock it off and didn’t quit. Its one thing to be a shitty MAGA idiot, its another to use your platform to continually cause problems for your bosses that they have to

One thing these studies don’t take into account enough is genetic disposition and demographics. So you as someone whose father had high cholesterol are more likely to have it yourself and therefore eggs might be bad for you personally. However you are also female and therefore less likely to develop high cholesterol

No you made it about the Oppression Olympics when you decide a public forum was a no boys allowed club. The original post simply pointed out there are others in a very similar boat. Does it really matter why someone is oppressed? Its not like a black man being oppressed takes anything away from a white women. Or is it

Actually you are the one being unhelpful right now. You are gatekeeping and deciding when People of Color can have a voice in this conversation. You cannot separate sexism from racism and classism they are all a part of the same broken system meant to prop up straight white men. You are forgetting about the millions