That’s why I said restrictions and not an outright ban. So the Brothels can be regulated and monitored so they don’t exploit people.
That’s why I said restrictions and not an outright ban. So the Brothels can be regulated and monitored so they don’t exploit people.
Mixed race=erasure is a very limited view of both race and love IMO. I am a mixed race person my father is white and my mother is Cree (Aboriginal). I identify as Cree because that is the community where I a most comfortable and that I was raised in. That doesn’t mean I’m not proud of my father’s family and I have…
I think decriminalizing sex work should be part of a more holistic approach to poverty and drug addiction. You decriminalize individual workers but put severe restrictions on brothels and pimping to prevent trafficking. Although frankly sex work should never be “necessary” in a society with a functional social safety…
Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional and this is just a bit of fun. Schizophrenia is more common than people realize and there are links with pot use that means its not impossible even without an noted family history. I’ve never been convinced of bi-polar disorder simply because there was never any…
Yeah I would not be surprised to find there is also a correlation between low income and pop consumption. Which would mean these results really mean that being poor is bad for your health which has been proven many times. Kinda like how Aboriginals tend to have poorer health than the rest of Canada. It not due to some…
Yeah I never liked that they were using that word at all but the Native American context really puts it over the top. Personally “Savage” is a word that carries so much historical genocidal baggage it needs to thrown on the garbage pile like uppity and many other words I won’t repeat here. Its never been meant…
Hah the old man is now denying he screwed up and thus making this a bigger story. All that needs to happen is for the right person to call him a liar and his numbers are all going to drop like a stone. That’s why I never really worried about this man getting the nomination he was always going to shoot himself in the…
I feel like Michael Caine’s comments about Brexit being about “being masters rather servants” sums up how a lot of Leave voters felt. Its all wrapped up in the British class system and imperialism. Britain likes to think of itself as a moral authority and doesn’t like that the other leading countries in the EU are able…
Britain thinks their special though, while they don’t create whole Manifest Destiny documents about it, the sentiment is similar. There are a still a whole section of Britons who think the Empire and the financial empire it created means they are more important than the rest of the EU. London does still control a…
No offense but it sounds like your friends problem with Warren is that she feels Warren is smarter than she is and is insecure. Which I suspect is a problem for a lot of people. This was also a problem for Obama and why people often said he “talking down to them”.
Hospitailty varies somewhat culturally though. I’m my (Native specifically Cree) culture going in to the fridge isn’t a big deal and is totally expected among family. Taking someone else’s beer is greasy unless invited to though.
Except ordering food is one of the examples where “Can I” makes more sense than “May I”. May I asks for permission which isn’t really what your doing when ordering food. Can I actually makes more sense because your asking if its possible.
My personal theory is she so stupid she thinks they’re “Asian” because that’s where Israel is.
Nancy managed to get WTF in all of about 10 seconds in when blamed “Jewish ship owners” and then said slavery “didn’t have anything to do with White Europeans”. Where the fuck does she think Jews come from? Asia? I mean it’s just an outstanding level of stupid even by clapback mailbag standards. The whole rant was…
Except testosterone does make boys more aggressive and more likely to gravitate to thing like cars and dinosaurs. If gender was completely based on environment, trans people would not exist and intersex people would have a much easier time. I feel like gender is a spectrum and you will have people gravitate to the…
Hallelujah she might actually make a brow product for redheads. Seriously I have found two brands that have actually Auburn shades and one of them disappears by noon. There are more than five shades of eyebrows people. I won’t have to use 5 year old probably discontinued eyeshadow anymore.
Americans are really not stupid so much as they have the most piss poor education possible. The average American doesn’t know how to research anything and were probably taught its a tool of the “elites” anyway. You really want to “Make America Great Again” teach people something besides how to pass standardized tests.
No actually your an asshole who has no respect for the fact that not everyone is exactly the same as them. Go fuck your self.
Or some people will simply prefer salt on their eggs or pepper on their hashbrowns. Not eveyone will like things the exact same way and customizing for each order isn’t really feasible in a brunch place.
You have it backwards actually there is a fair amount of evidence the allergies and the spike in deadly one is due to a lack of exposure rather than being over exposed. Specifically its a lack of exposure to illness and bacteria in early development that causes our body to turn on itself. Synthetics might play a…