
I think it less that Biden is so terrible its that his competitors like Harris and Warren or even Saunders are so much better. Its also because Trump’s election was a wakeup call for many and people are now a lot more wary of electing another wealthy old white man.

Actually Canadian cattle are fed very differently than most American cattle unless the are both pure grass fed. Most Canadian beef is feed hay or grass and then finished in a feed lot. American beef is almost entirely fed on animal feed. The difference show more in texture than in taste though.

Okay the whole vaginal steaming makes a bit more sense as part of healing form childbirth than it does as cleansing method. Its an old time squirt bottle from back before there were squirt bottles. The steam might provide some relief to scarred and damaged tissue and allow herbs to get in hard to reach places. Its

Americans seem to have different candy that us Canadians and it seems they favor the hard stuff

Except Goop has stated several times Weinstein never harassed her. Which I believe given her status in Hollywood and connection to Steven Spielberg in particular. Predators pick their victims and Paltrow probably was untouchable in his eyes. I think the wellness crap could be part of her being valued for her looks as

Except other people do take time off. They care for dying relatives or go to rehab or do any number of unexpected and major things that are a part of life. Pregnancy can be a bit more planned but things like bedrest or pre-term labour can still happen and throw those carefully made plans out the window. People should

Except your basing your basing your opinion on the idea that women are always truthful which is also fairly sexist. What your saying is accused men are suspect until proven innocent which is wrong for multiple reasons. For one there’s the fact that (with one exception) these women said what he did was make them

Yeah I really don’t see the point of “Learning to like” something that just gives me a worse hangover when Tequila and Vodka exist. Just becuase other people like it doesn’t mean you have to. It is pretentious when people act like beer or wine are somehow more sophisticated than things like Margarita’s or coolers. Its

They say it was due to “sloppy googling’ but that just what the intern who did it told them. 

One reason I can think it may have slipped under the radar is if a lot of the trucks were used in Russia and with the cold weather in Europe in general during the war they may have written of the engine seizing as due to the cold. 

Because the Nazi’s were actually fairly rigorous when it came to quality control and would shoot whoever was handy if they found sabotage. That’s what makes what Citroen did so smart is that it was damn neat undetectable. Using the wrong bolt the local Obersturmfuher would have noticed and they probably would have

Not too mention all the wars France fought before America was even though of in Europe. France ran the fucking world at one point and had the greatest land army around. Hell there probably wouldn’t have been an America had it not been for the French. Personally I think its overcompensating for coming late to the party

Obama didn’t sound “haughty” he sounded intelligent. Its just to some people find that threatening so they find a way to belittle him for it.

Except Amazon has introduced the impossible standards that encourage carriers to cut corners. So Amazon has kept them working in increasingly impossible workloads for as little pay as possible. The payoff is that means the carriers take it out on the customers. All so Amazon can make another billion.

It’s actually really simple, they pay their drivers shit and set impossible goals. All the articles about how evil Amazon is over in Gizmodo? All the same shit applies to USPS and Fedex. That’s part of why what Amazon is doing is so evil, because it sets a standard everyone has to compete with. So support local unions

As someone who works in customer service and dealt with many lost packages this happens all the time and not just for Amazon. Its the only way delivery people can keep up with the insane targets they are set.

I also think some of her reaction is due to FGM often being used as a dogwhistle for Islamophobes and racists. There is usually a very “we must civilize these savages” tone in discussions surrounding it. Its also very telling how no one bats an eye at circumcision which is practiced primarily about white people. You

Sounds a bit like the upcoming Canadian election. Trudeau just endured a massive scandal and lost major support but everyone still hates the opposition from the last time they were in charge. I’m hoping it means an orange wave and our left wing party gets in or at least a Liberal minority with an NDP coalition.

So like many Nintendo problems before it can be solved by blowing on it?

Yeah the article fails to mention that he was investigated and cleared