Neil deGrasse Tyson was investigated for sexual harassment and cleared. So there is nothing to hold him accountable for. He is just another awkward nerd.
Neil deGrasse Tyson was investigated for sexual harassment and cleared. So there is nothing to hold him accountable for. He is just another awkward nerd.
Neil deGrasse Tyson was cleared of any wrongdoing. If we want #MeToo to be a movement and not a witch hunt, innocent until proven guilty needs to apply. Also he is gently speaking out about Disney mis-educating kids not ponificating on who gets to speak and who doesn’t so maybe you just need to chill? Its actually a…
I hope to
behe’s dead.
If you bothered to read the thread you would realize I’m not white. Also I’m advocating not being judgemental and pretty much the opposite of virtue signalling. I'm speaking from my experience in my community so how about you STFU.
I think these tests are best used to confirm a hypothesis rather than taken on their own. You use them to back up something you have already gleaned from genealogical records. For instance if you suspect your ancestors were British Roma rather than the Irish they have claimed to be. Another example would be Eastern…
With Southern Morocco DNA showing in an “English” background I would look for “Spanish” ancestors because that’s the most likely source. Some ancestor who washed up with the Armada and stayed in England. However the “Sun Never Set” on the British Empire so it could be a myriad of ways. Being the dominant seafaring…
For the author is wasn’t just about biology though, its the lie and the fact that her actual biological father rejected her. I also think reaching out to biological connections isn’t any different than reaching out to strangers you have anything else in common with. We are all searching for a connection for some who…
Exactly all this bullshit is just an excuse to blame women for their own failings.
Ugh the worst part of this story for me is that this man’s son is Asian. I really hate the idea that this poor child will grow up with a father who thinks he is less than. As a mixed race person I know there is a unique feeling of betrayal when you realize your own family see you as less than them. At least my own…
Not if you do it low enough so that they can just here you but you can easily deny it and say they misheard if they kick up a fuss.
The cake people were objecting to a “lifestyle” they were discriminating against an entire class of people based on a personal preference. The OP would be refusing to serve a specific person based on their own actions. Basically it comes down to personal versus group responsibility. Punishing one person for their…
Its one gaffe and if you think that’s going to be bad wait until the Anti-Semites really start in on Bernie. I honestly doubt that the United States would elect someone who isn’t Christian. There is no getting around Bernie’s religion/ethnicity and that is going to hurt him in battleground states. The bible belt types…
Which was actually one of the points of the novel. Amy was deliberately using the media as part of her plot. Half the book was slamming Nancy Grace and her ilk for what they do.
Except the actual novel show how hard it actually is to frame someone. The only reason Amy get away with what she does is because she is a smart rich white girl. The novel actually points this out several times.
Honestly having been a part of the Marvel fandom for a while and seeing a lot of his stuff (because he has a lot of fangirls), I think the post was meant to be self deprecating more than a shot at Paltrow. Stan tends to post a lot of I am not that famous and a dork type of posts. He probably thought it was genuinely…
You can totally become Russian or African. For instance South Africa has an immigration program not that different from any other commonwealth country. Nice completing the ugly American stereotype by including Africa in a list of countries btw. Russia requires 5 years residency and fluency in Russian. It is much…
Good cops should be taking the lead and restraining their out of control colleagues when they arrive on-scene, they know them best. Good ones should use all the internal controls to report, investigate and get bad cops off the street. Good Command Officers who took the time to call this man first, should have asked…
The Catholic Church is notoriously anti-sex so if shame really did work there really wouldn’t be 1 billion Catholics. Unless your trying to say shame is the only reason to be Catholic in which case your showing yourself to again be a privileged asshole who has no idea why people do anything.
There are much simpler and better ways of controlling the population though than simply yelling at people not to have kids. . For one better reproductive health. Better medical care all around so people don’t feel the need to have 5 kids. Also the US birthrate is dropping in certain groups already because of rising…
You forgot one 50-1 someone finally took initiative and tried to off Trump.