
The icky thing for me is that they use my money for anti-gay efforts. I can’t stop other people from spending their money how they want, but I feel the tiniest bit of control keeping it out of the hands of people I know will be donating it to things I don’t agree with. 

Denying someone the right to marriage is pretty bigoted. You're literally saying they don't deserve the same rights as you.

Imagine being this much of an asshole over ruining other people’s mild pleasures....

It’s syndicated; it aired this morning in one single place. In nearly all of the rest of the country it airs tonight. Dan knows this; all the writers know this, and I’m sure this was a decision discussed in their Slack. They just want to get to yell “NERDS!” at everyone who’s irritated with this.

I don’t have anything groundbreaking to add here, just wanted to say that I went to high school with James (Jamie Holzhauer, as he was known back then) and his brother Ian at Naperville North in the late 90s/early 2000s, and they were both super nice guys that treated everyone the same regardless of clique/social

“Am I overreacting?”

You wrote a letter to some stranger on the internet, what do you think? 

Am I overreacting?

Mayonnaise does not increase the risk of food poisoning:

Please stop.

Nitrates and nitrites are “possible” carcinogens. Which means that there is not enough experimental or clinical evidence to definitively prove that there is a causative link between nitrate/nitrite consumption and cancer.

And besides that, even IF they were known carcinogens, that doesn’t mean that there

If you got sick from food being left out, it wasn’t a virus.

Lying about the potato salad is the most suburban thing ever.

Good guess.  I wouldn’t have thought Gavin Rossdale was A-list, but Tatum, yeah.

Walton Goggins, how could you? Go back to being a handsome ne’er do well!

If you don’t think Michael Emerson isn’t a person I care about, a person of interest so to speak, we’re done here.

Seriously, that was silly math. I mean, by that token, if we had a gay season of the Bachelor or Bachelorette, we should expect that 90% of the contestants would be secretly straight.

LOL. Thank you.

50% of people in the US between 25 and 54 are women. Therefore 50% of contestants are women?

That’s not how statistics work

Christ. I always longed for a VS body but sadly I am a lifelong member of the IBTC. ThirdLove and similar brands are the only bras that actually fit me without being padded out to *here* or making me feel bad about not having a red satin & black lace body type.  So get bent, is basically what I’m saying.

This is great advice that I always share with coworkers traveling for the first time. Once two colleagues and I missed a connecting flight, the gate agent proudly told us he’d booked us on the next flight and found three seats together. When he saw our stoney looks and said “or look at this, I can also put in in three