More a Joe Donte or John Landist type?
More a Joe Donte or John Landist type?
He’s really more of a Albert Hitchlock.
Counterpoint:scrambled eggs are a boring waste of delicious, creamy egg yolks.
While I acknowledge your opinion, calling a fried runny egg gross also makes me sad in my soul.
For God’s sake don’t cheap out on pre-selecting your seats. You can do this when you book your tickets and it’s even still free on some airlines. Pre-select them even if it’s not free. If you wait until you check in online at T-minus-24-hours, you’ll be SOL because other people will have sucked it up and paid for…
Well, in our house it was a treat. Sweet cereals of any kind were rare. We had a plentiful supply of shredded wheat though. You know, the full sized biscuits? Like eating a bale of hay for breakfast. Or a wire grill scrubber.
70's kid here. Fuck that noise. Trix were at their best as balls, and not solid balls but the hollow, crunchy tasty balls. Right around my junior year in college they ruined them by turning them into fruit shapes. When they turned them back into balls fifteen or so years later, the only thing those balls had in common…
It’s more like going up to a bunch of neckbeards and telling them not everyone likes their hobby and a $2 high life is a much better deal than their triple hopped imperial left handed nitro stout or whatever.
Counterpoint: no it’s not.
Maybe tea? Something to give it a little bitterness without adding sweetness since the other two ingredients are sweet.
I agree. I cannot tell most people in Hollywood apart. I suspect part of the reason they cast all female roles to young, skinny, and blond is because if they are interchangeable, they are replaceable.
All of this does explain why CBS’s line up sucked so badly for the last 20 years. I watched a couple seasons of CSI, but other than that, I cannot think of a single show that I have watched on that network since the turn of the century.
Good list, Beth. I’d add to the list of things, pre-moistened wipes. While you might have enough water to drink and cook, it’s hard to wash your hands and work surfaces with bottled water (also there’s a lot of water waste trying to rinse soapy hands). Clorox wipes for surfaces and baby wipes are great for hand, etc. w…
Well that’s their fault, and their problem to solve.
Chicago PD operated a black-site torture office for a decade:
The problem is this: when the good cops circle up and defend their own when they break the law, then there are actually no good cops.
That does not happen daily.
Do you understand that the good doesn’t outweigh the bad and that doing “good” is actually their job? They’d get more credit for their good members if they actually did something about the bad ones.
That helps all the people who’ve been unjustly killed or abused by cops, but it’s great that someone is out there to defend them aside from the government, the judicial system, and police unions.
Several professional bakers I know and at least one highly-respected cooking resource swear by Hershey’s for cocoa powder regardless of budget. Just an interesting tidbit.