EXTREMELY here for chili relleno casserole
EXTREMELY here for chili relleno casserole
A doctor in Houston started listing my email address when he would sign up for various things. Next, his wife started using my email address with various online decorator stores. One day I received an email from the medical school the doctor attended, and I noticed at the bottom was a link to update his settings. I…
As as anyone but Pats fan I support whoever can beat them. Not the Patriots again. God no, not that crew and their insufferable fans. I will not be able to stand their humble brags for the rest of their lives about how the Pats defied and defeated a global conspiracy by Goodell, the NFL and the fourth horseman of the…
You are correct. And if Charlotte were born first she would inherit over George. They changed the law of succession prior to the birth of George. So, it’s now first born not first born male.
Don’t click on it then, Jesus Christ. This shit is important, so important. You are under no obligation to read articles that you clearly have little interest in. I have friends that work in the industry, I give a crap about their well-being, I find this stuff eye opening and interesting.
Stories about shitty studio practices should be right at the top of any gaming-related site. If those people are whistleblowing in hope of improving their work conditions, every site should make it a top priority to cover the story.
The industry should improve and the only way for that to happen is by spreading…
I could make many worse choices than marrying the entire Satanic Temple, is the thing
I don’t like that they are “in curious company: nightmare right-wing troll trio Roger Stone, Milo Yiannopoulos and Chuck C. Johnson” per this article.
I believe that actually originated on Sex and the City, and then it became a bestselling book.
Thank you. Finding a hotel room cluttered? Fucking neurotic. Can you imagine living with a person like this?
The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.
Umm but they said specifically that they like it cold.
Weird. It’s almost like he is an aging legend/symbol of an earlier era where women were shut out of popular music almost entirely and is now sad that the status quo is changing?
Also, a lot of male rage might be, you know, directed at women. I’m cool with those songs not getting written.*
He probably thinks he can just say they’re Mary Sues and that will make people hate them.
Nothing juicy... When she first arrived at school she had wanted to get a special private room for “security needs” and the admin reportedly told her that she wasn’t really a celebrity or in any danger in the US, so no. Ouch.
Because, maybe, when someone explains what it is, they’ll have a particular episode or clip to recommend. Perhaps somebody on this site has an anecdote about the show, and that seemingly basic question provides the perfect opportunity to share it with us. Or maybe that person was lonely, on the brink of ending it…
The best part is that anything, anything, she says and does around Meghan from here on in will be scrutinized and dissected on a global scale. This woman will become famous in the worst possible way, and she deserves every second of that while it’s thrown in her face.
Oh, come on. “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch” is an awesome song! Such excellent lines as: