
Which, if you think about it, is kind of the point of the article. Interesting proof of concept, really.

You’ve completely disregarded the point of the article to focus on someone who put spyware on her own computer. If you’re so concerned for privacy, why not address how this guy violated her privacy by publishing her private sexual habits for all to see?

Cline does not “admit to having been an abusive partner.” She admits to behavior you view as abuse and she does not. Defining “abuse” as a twenty-year-old putting keystroke-recording software on her own computer, which her thirty-three-year-old partner sometimes used, so that she could establish that he was cheating

Sure. They all are mentally unstable liars... until suddenly they’re not.

Thank you! That is exactly the opposite of what I’ve my friend has been doing.

It seems odd to me that the Big Sean bit is such an emphasis as well. This is pretty serious, not the subject matter of a Twitter feud between exes.

This should have a million stars. That wasn’t some tweet dug up from 12 years ago when she was some starry-eyed idealist fresh out of Women’s Studies class. That was 3 months ago.

Ugh. False rape accusations exist, of course, but almost every rapist is someone’s friend, and most people are inclined to believe the word of friends who are rapists over the word of their victims.

How about we not agree “this is no big deal”. Don’t whip your penis out at work! She said she felt that she had to say yes to keep her job. That’s not consent. That’s not her saying she actually wanted to see a gross man masturbate in front of them. That’s someone reacting in fear, and he knew and took advantage of

I’m glad I’m gray on this site so I can point out that you’re full of shit, sour shit which has clearly filled you right to your fingertips, where it is spilling out onto your keys. Her longstanding working relationship with CK is clear, and clearly laid out in the article. The statement was released via their mutual

If you show up, you get candy. That is what halloween is about. I don’t care if you are 2 or 22. I don’t care if you are wearing a costume or not. Maybe the 20 year old has developmental disabilities you don’t know about. Maybe the kid without a costume can’t afford one. Or maybe they have sensory issues and couldn’t

Plus, this drink isn’t weighed down with sugary pop or fruit juice. It’s just fizzy water and (optional) lemon zest. I say that’s a good reason to use a good scotch, because the dominant flavor is still the scotch itself.

On the other hand, if someone likes to make their highballs with 15-year old single malt ... so what? Drink what you like and let other people drink what they like. One love.

I mean I CLEARLY said in the body of the article to get a blend but also I don’t see anything wrong with using two ounces of a fancy scotch that I had on hand to make a delicious drink. I don’t think it would make more sense to buy a whole new bottle than to use a small pour from a bottle of something I already own.

This article makes it seem like the frozen mug will have a great impact on the final temperature of the beer. While a cold glass might seem really cold at first, it’s thermal capacity is nowhere close to that of beer. 0.16 cal/gram°C for glass and 1 cal/gram°C for water (beer is close enough to h2o). Glass is great at

You don’t like tattoos, that’s fine. Don’t get them. Don’t shame how others choose to decorate their body.

I get that tattoos are not for everyone and personal taste and all that, but equating tattoos to self-harm is pretty shitty.

I’m not sure which line-reading made me laugh harder: Tim talking about the cheating or Kenya’s unenthusiastic “These Pilot erasable pens are awesomely dope.”

Tim Gunn is obviously a treasure, he’s fair, critical, helpful, even tempered. What he is not good at is “acting”. Any time you can tell they have prepared a statement for him, he appears to just mistake volume for authenticity.

This ain’t a health food site, but c’mon dude. We’re talking about fruit. Though I didn’t (anywhere in the article) suggest people eat bowls upon bowls of this stuff, I don’t think we need to be warning people of the dangers of fresh fruit with a bit of cheese.