Let’s make something clear, the only impression he does of Mayweather is behind a microphone or in front of a camera.
Beyond that his character as a man is unquestioned as compared to the vile existence that is Floyd Mayweather.
Let’s make something clear, the only impression he does of Mayweather is behind a microphone or in front of a camera.
Beyond that his character as a man is unquestioned as compared to the vile existence that is Floyd Mayweather.
Sorry but this story is shit-stirring and mean.
I’m an entomologist and I work with that beautiful specimen you have pictured, Ae. aegypti. To maintain a colony in the lab, I will sometimes have to feed them by sticking my arm into a cage and letting them go to town. My best advice to avoid getting a reaction is to NOT SCRATCH no matter how much they itch. Once you…
Helicopter parenting is bad and you can’t shelter them from bad stuff in the world too much but I feel like “I don’t want my children interacting with a known serial killer” is a fairly reasonable request?
Okay Peter’s date was FANTASTIC and their discussion of their gap teeth warmed my cold, dead heart to no end. It was so GENUINE!
I get the angle that they would know the game better than most, however, I simply can’t trust someone that has played a game for over 30 days of solid game time and then decides they want to say it’s not recommended. It took them that long to figure it out? Really? Even if true their decision making is somewhat…
Jesus! I couldn’t find the dong! I thought that was a boot in the locker next to Rivera’s!!! Who is this for???? That’s the person who needs a crown!
And here, we see an example of a joke going over someone’s head.
If they get rid of Penny Arcade how are people going to show they’re too cool to like Penny Arcade?
The idea of eating the money really sucks. There were real concerns—like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.
We would have also accepted; “like, because it’s pretty fucking easy.”
Like, why would anyone try to actually scam us?
Its your lucky day. The game sells for $50. Good thing nothing is stopping you now.
It could happen if it was an indie developer that never made it into the light. But, there weren’t many of those back then.
The thing is, the parts of creepy pastas where something comes out of the game (or something happens IRL) are the worst parts of those creepy pastas. If they want the scares to be more believable they shouldn’t go that far — not that any of the game creepy pastas have ever been believable. The pasta creators should…
I see a lot of creepypasta ruin itself like this. Just taking it too far, instead of keeping it just creepy.
That was the line where I was like, “too far dude, you just pushed it too far”
I’ll tackle that second question. To preface this, I am transgender and medically transitioning.