
Sometimes withdrawal is just a natural response. Relationships are hard. Sometimes people fight. Sometimes people hold back from saying something they want to say because they know it will be spoken in the heat of the moment and might regret it later.

My takeaway - Josh Lyman is back on TV again? Inevitably doing something terrible, alas.

Yeah, he only saved his mom's life.

Dumbest Land Mammals Shoot Largest Land Mammal; Largest Land Mammals Cry, Bury their Own; Hunters Walk .5 Kilometers to Botswana McDonalds.

God, and that hair and makeup... to call it perfection almost doesn't do it justice.

I hate Lena Dunham. I hate Lena Dunham's "hurr durr" look. Girl, you have to have a modicum of sexiness and allure to pull off the slightly-opened-mouth look, and YOU DON'T HAVE IT. I want to punch her in her "I'm the voice of my generation!" face. YOU WILL NEVER REPRESENT ME, LENA DUNHAM!

Seconded. "You love them very much—" "I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH " killed me.

As a wonky-skin-haver, I wash twice daily. Have occasionally considered taking sandpaper to a particularly troublesome blemish or two. Big pores. Adult acne. That is not a recipe for not washing ye olde cara.

My hangovers are much milder than they used to be. BECAUSE I LEARNED NOT TO DRINK SO MUCH!!

I know this was on Tumbler, so I shouldn't expect erudition, but aside from the homophobia (or at least the appearance of such; I'm detecting something else going on here) and privilege, good goddess this was painful to read. Granted, it was 1989 when I declined to attend Smith because my parents were like, "Out of

My wife just got a pixie-ish haircut. Shortest it's ever been in her life. I get bishie sparkles whenever she walks into the room cause it looks so damn good.

Do They Teach Students To Begin Every Word In A Sentence With A Capital Letter At New Village Leadership Academy?


This bit is itself very progressive. It's a rape joke. But like all good rape jokes, the joke is on the rapist/rape culture.

Given the frequency with which I use this gif, I'm going to have to be #TeamToby

(clearly Bradley Whitford would win this contest you fools).

It took me a sec to realize this was not the women's arm. So, my first reaction was that is some damn creepy photoshop going on there. Then I figured out my stupidity.

While period shaming shouldn't happen, I don't want to talk about my period with anyone and everyone. My uterine lining sheds every month. Huzzah. It isn't a big fucking "woman power!" deal. If someone approached me in Times Square and asked me how I felt about my period, I'd tell them it's none of their damn business.

There is a right way and a wrong way to spell "ketchup."