
I suspect this piece of shit is the first person to bring up the First Amendment when it comes to corporations’ right to free speech via political donations or religious groups’ right to protest outside abortion clinics.

I know, right? Elected assholes like this are a solid argument against democracy.

Her body, along with hundreds of others, had been left at a funeral home, where her mother supposedly promised to return to claim it but never did. Whether out of hope that the mother would someday return or carelessness or callousness, the child, who was black, remained unburied for 70 years, her preserved body laid

Did he Lean In too far?

Nope. This happens to white people too. I know because my younger brother was adopted from a family against their wishes and he’s pink as a piglet. My parents didn’t know until he was around 16 and wanted to look for a birth family. Turns out he has four other full siblings (two older and two younger) and for whatever

It did happen to white women. Google Georgia Tann and the Tennessee Children’s Home.

It also happened eun masse to white women in the same period who birthed in catholic hospitals; particularly badly in ireland and up until very recently, too. Any unmarried woman was a target.

I’m gleefully awaiting the day the reich-wing religious nuts wake up and realize that the Hobby Lobby ruling gave Muslim employers the right to impose Sharia law on their employees.

On days like today, I say “Thanks be to God, for Satanists”.

I’ve reserved my seat between Gandhi and Freddie Mercury.

In general I’m not very into organized religion. But every time the Church of Satan takes some kind of public action, I’m sincerely tempted to join. The only thing stopping me is that anything with the word Satan in it is a little too close to Christianity for me to feel comfortable with.

to be quite frank, if I’m going by the actions of their followers, Satan seems like a way cooler guy than Jesus.

I 100% agree with them here, but does anyone else think it may hurt the cause to have the Satanic Temple being the most outspoken opponent of these shitty laws?

Ah ok, thanks Anna!

The 80s, eh? So Old Navy, then?

Ohh yea! It might be a part of your anxiety! I have OCD and even though my hygiene doesn’t bother me, I still “smell” things that I know for a fact aren’t there. Cleaned up cat vomit? My hands will “smell” like cat vomit for hours. But I know they don’t actually because I’ve washed them (and probably made a coworker

My husband also had an aunt named Florence but she went by Flossie, which is the best name ever.

As long as these dudebods with dadbods are extending the bodpositivity to their wifebods and girlfriendbods who have maybe “let themselves go,” I’m all for it. Bods.