
even if I was a size 0 or negative 2 or whatever they are calling the small sizes these days, I wouldn't have a thigh gap. My skeleton doesn't have a thigh gap. Isn't it just a matter or whether your hips jut out a certain way? Why is that so desirable?

Yes and yes. Thigh gap here and been called chicken legs my whole life. Just face it, no one's body is "perfect" so can we quit shaming women already?

Me too! We could go on Naked and Afraid and be their fire starters.

I can start fires with my thigh friction.

I had a thigh gap in high school. And some guy I liked told me it was sexier when girls thighs touched, when I hit college, my thighs touched, and all of a sudden everyone wanted a girl with a thigh gap.

"I never thought I'd meet a man who would want to spend that kind of money on me."

Hasn't he been dying since the 80's? His music sounds like it.

13 year old me got a deep pleasure out of hate-watching it. It was on ABCFamily 3p-4p and I got out of school at 3:30. I would literally rush home so I could catch the last twenty minutes of the episode and just sit there reflecting on everything I haaaaaated about the show. Obviously I was a totally normal and super

Man, Morrissey's lyrics are just getting poppier and poppier.

This is clearly a Frank Reynolds frame job, he's out to get his money back from Bruce.

Now I understand why Dennis and Sweet Dee turned out the way they did.

Man, with those parents? That baby is going to be one incredibly attractive disappointment at the box office.

A former boss (at a gay bar, which may or may not be relevant) referred to me as "The Gaymaker". as in, I dated a lot of guys who then felt comfortable enough to come out. sigh. now engaged to a very straight man, but. still. wtf.

May you f'love your Mirena as much as I loved mine. I still had periods - kinda had a feeling I would, given how heavy my flow was before - but they were so so SO much lighter. And the "no babies" thing was a definite plus.

the best bc for teens is KEEPING YOUR LEGS CLOSED and PRAYING to JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!!! I went with hormonal, because I need those sweet, sweet hormones to calm my crazy periods down from extreme flows/cramps, but I'm excited for you!

I'm getting my Paragard on Thursday!!! :) YAY US!!!

Just had my Mirena put in Friday!

My ugly face was my birth control method as a teen.