
That’s sort of why I love it - everyone’s expectations are either so overblown it’s ridiculous or they go into ecstasies about buying a house “with character!” and instead buy and revel over the most boring, bland, run of the mill house ever. It’s just ludicrous all around.

I agree. I can understand why this is frustrating, but perhaps Boseman has an incredible agent and takes direction well/easy to work with.

That’s only because Laurence Fishburne is incredible and wonderful and should be in everything, all the time.

Good on that teacher for finding away around that, though. It’s clever, and for a really, really good cause. That law is major bullshit.

I took a human sexuality course in college too. It was one of the more popular courses available. It was very informative and sex positive. I think it would be great if something similar was available for, say, 8th graders.

Welcome to my teenage mindset. You have to start somewhere, so you might as well set the bar low. (Really, really, really low.)

Well that’s unnecessarily cold, Burt. Who asked you?

ME TOO. I’ve only been to Disney World, but it’s just not my thing - too commercialized, too cutesy, too much. I just don’t see the “magic.”

Bob Ross is exactly what would happen if Mr. Rogers smoked a truckload of weed and took up painting. I <3 him so.

Right? Because women with broad shoulders totally don’t exist.

I sort of want to know what recipe won, and if the winner still has the diamond necklace.

Yes! Most of my sex dreams are about some random guy like a cashier at the grocery store, or the custodian at my son’s school. It is WEIRD.

I swear I’ve seen that porno.

You know your subconscious hates you, right?

I have a recurring dream about one particular ex in which we have amazing sex, and I have this sinking, awful feeling of cheating on my husband. This ex is a decent guy, but is and always has been a complete emotional idiot, so my next thought is that I went to all that grief of cheating and I did it with a guy who

Yes! I’m surprised that not a word has been mentioned about his death here. I know it wasn’t a shocking death, but he was a musical touchstone for a lot of us Gen X-ers.

“I’ve gotta show it to the Laker Girls!”

Now playing

This is how I imagine Cruise and Miscaviage spending most of their time together: