

I would watch the shit out of that.

Barbra will have a tough time topping the Julia Ormond miniseries from the early 90s. That was just excellent.

I don’t think that sounds crazy. I had a partner years ago who insisted on doing the same thing. He just didn’t fully trust condoms. I don’t know if it was at all necessary, but at least I didn’t get pregnant (or a disease).

Same here. I was uncertain about the eventuality of kids for a long time, but when I was single and first married I knew I didn’t want them at that moment. I do have a child now, the result of a failure of the pill (of which I was a vigilant user). And I know I don’t want another kid, which is why I have an IUD now.

I’m sort of amazed that your friends are cool with relying on this method knowing what they know - the “dribbling,” the super fertility, and having two unplanned pregnancies. No one is perfect, of course, but I guess I’d work on finding another method after the first unintended pregnancy.

Reason #927791634 why I am glad I didn’t live back in those days. I’m such a klutz that using something like this would be an utter disaster. A very messy utter disaster.

Interesting, thanks for the link. I feel sad for the horses, but happy for the cats, I guess?

Added to mud was general litter, varying from the relatively harmless— “old newspapers, cast-off shoes, and crownless hats”—to broken glass and mouldering food. Lady F.W. Harberton, inveighing against the fashionable “train” in female dress (i.e. a trailing skirt), presented the following gruesome inventory to her

Right? He is the policiest-looking police chief that ever police chiefed. Based on his looks, the only acceptable alternative job for him is an NFL football coach.

Same here. My friends whose families paid for their schooling seemed to have more of a rude awakening once they hit the working world and were financially independent. I knew how to manage my money earlier because I had to.

Yep. My mom couldn’t afford to help me financially after I left the house for college. I chose a state school, was lucky enough to get a couple of scholarships to minimize costs, and paid for the rest from working various jobs and a couple of small student loans.

I get the feeling that Tebow isn’t the “technical virgin” type. It’s just a hunch on my part, but I’m betting he doesn’t go beyond kissing and heavy petting. I think most people could make oral and possibly anal work in absence of vaginal sex. That’s why I think Miss Universe had had enough - making out and some

I know there was a weird rumor a while back about Tebow dating Jana Duggar, but I genuinely do think she’d be more his speed. Almost any kind of physical contact would be off the table until an engagement, and after that only hand-holding would be allowed until marriage. I can understand why Tebow wouldn’t want

Only if they also include butter made of human breastmilk.

I’m all for making lemonade from lemons, but crotch bread is where I draw the line.

With ads like this, its no wonder housewives of the era started dipping into the cooking sherry.

OMG. I have a story about this exact book.

I had an Aunt Flo. No, really - she was my grandma’s sister, an actual person. I didn’t even realize until I was much older than I’d care to admit that when people talked about Aunt Flo, they weren’t talking about...well, my Aunt Flo.