I wasn’t talking about the art. I was talking about furniture and whatnot.
I wasn’t talking about the art. I was talking about furniture and whatnot.
Honestly, why wouldn’t that work? There have to be warehouses of furniture, vases, lamps, table wear, and all sorts of other shit the royal family no longer wants and will never use again. Probably 9/10 of it comes from Queen Mary’s era, because she was sort of a hoarder. Why not auction some of it off?
Buckingham Palace was never a particularly awesome house. When Queen Victoria lived there at the beginning of her marriage, it had shitty drainage and ventilation. The living quarters were impractical and kind of puny. There was very little space for her passel of nine kids, other than in the unheated attic. She and…
Same here, but history minor/general history dork. I want to say I watched a documentary about the LGBT civil rights movement and the effect of the early HIV/AIDS crisis on the community when I was high school.
Noor and Rania of Jordan are on there, but you’re right - Thailand, Bhutan, Nepal (when it still had a monarchy), Sikkim (when it was still a country), Lesotho, Morocco, Japan, Swaziland, etc., have all had lots of brides over the years and are not represented here.
Amen. It’s amazing how many people detested history in school (or, like me, loved it but didn’t find it comprehensive enough/found it too biased) who grow up very interested in history. The reason? The piss poor way it is generally taught in school, stemming in part from the piss poor texts available.
We had a cat (Casimir) when I was a kid who was crazy territorial about his sleeping spots. We lived in a very old house (1910) that had the metal radiators. My mom loved them and covered several with sheets of glass to make shelves for plants. One of the glass shelves was in my room...but Casimir felt this was the…
I *love* kitties with extra long canines that hang out of their mouths. My morbidly obese cat has these and it’s one of my favorite things about him.
I think the idea of eating a class pet would have made me bawl uncontrollably, even as a middle schooler. And I wasn’t even a vegetarian then. Because animal! Pet! Emotional bond!
I feel so much closer to all of you now. I’m glad we shared this together.
Who is the actor who plays the assistant at the farmer’s market stand? He looks so familiar, but I can’t place him.
You aren’t a bad person for wanting this. At least I don’t think you are.
My husband’s family has some real gems. Besides the variations of “wa[r]sh,” there’s getting the dog “spaded” (instead of spayed), and “flustrated,” a combination of flustered and frustrated. They live sort of dull lives, so I can only assume they murder the English language for fun.
I hear you. My mother-in-law still puts an r in ‘wash.’ She’s still with us.
I’m a native Iowan, but I’ve lived in Nashville for the past two years. I’ve heard the rhymes-with-feces pronunciation quite a bit down here. I’ve found that the people who pronounce it this way tend to be from Kentucky or far eastern Tennessee.
I’d say that John Oliver is either close or on his way there. His quiet outrage and sincerity are similar to Jon’s, which is not surprising due to their close relationship. John gone for a different show format and a different way of approaching issues - he seems to deconstruct a well-known idea rather than comment on…
He is always so spot on when things like this happen, as painful as the truth may be. God, I’m going to miss this man.
That’s when I’d hug him ever so gently, reassuring him that he’s beautiful and whole and there’s nothing wrong with his business, so he might as well put it in mine. I’ll even shout out that he’s a war hero, a devoted friend, a caring brother if he wants.
Right? I have yet to hear of a person who claims to have been 100% heterosexual until that one discussion in school about same-sex relationships that swung the pendulum the other way.
Royalty dork here. This was my second thought after the obvious first, “OMG, these closed minded idiots totally flipped out at a teacher trying to teach a very important lesson on acceptance, GAH!!!” thought.