ActonCurrerEllis Bell

I read Jezebel for the articles that most women are afraid to write. This is one of those occasions. Thank you for your courage and honesty.

Yes! Or the ultimate— “Cabin in the Woods.” They still do stupid stuff, but at least one guy is like, “Guys. This is literally the opposite of what a smart person does.”

The Washington Post has been on the decline since Watergate, let’s be real.

Me toooo, it’s not even out in my city! I have to drive to the ‘burbs to see it. Now that it scary.

Right I’m aware, but as someone else pointed out above, there are some films where people do mostly the right things and still get into bad situations. Those are way more scary to me.

This creeped me out more than that trailer.

Yep judging by the trailer she is a slacker!!! What’s all this playing pool and talking to handsome men? Come on Maggie, pull it together.

Ugh. Someone needs to make a horror film (I haven’t seen The Finals Girls yet, okay?!) where the main character actually does reasonable or sensible things. Someone told me I had to follow a list of ridiculous rules regarding a creepy creepy creepy doll? You can be I would follow that to the absolute letter.

No Grandpa Munster is ACTUALLY Ted Cruz.

No you’re right— it’s something a little goofier. I’m also getting that cartoony (or maybe even claymation???) vibe.

I don’t know, I was getting farmer from “Babe” vibes....

They do bike through the neighborhood. There are bike lanes in this neighborhood. This is not a question of whether bikers deserve to have lanes— they do. They have many, and they’re getting more. This is question of bike lane placement and how that impacts a neighborhood.

Agreed for sure! (And the exact reason that Georgetown doesn’t have a metro stop, hope they’re enjoying that traffic!)

Wait is that real.

I’m happy you’re one of 5 people that Metro is good to! But more seriously, but that is literally my metro stop and it is pretty bad, especially on Sundays.

I don’t disagree with some of what you’re saying. My original comment was as someone who is just blocks away in that neighborhood. Ostensibly, though my family goes back a few generations in DC, we may classify as gentrify-ers in some neighborhoods, given the properties that my family has bought (and when they bought

I’m not sure what your point is. Stealing their land was genocide and theft. So that means what exactly, in this context?

stop it. this is amazing.

Biker vs. Jogger is a horror movie that needs to be made.

Or they don’t???