ActonCurrerEllis Bell

Because it implies that there is something inherently wrong with the word “feminist.” She and others dodge that question like it’s a bullet. That’s what wrong.

If I hear about one more obviously feminist woman dodge the “Are you a feminist?” question like it’s a grenade....

The idea that we have for-profit prisoners in general is so heinous that sometimes I can’t wrap my head around it. This grand idea of capitalism doing its job and the market setting fair wages and prices doesn’t work if we’re talking about a captive population.

seriously what. that is awful. i would just not go and send them a “cheap” $50 gift.

I agree. Everyone is jumping all over the bride and groom (who suck), but also ditching a huge event last minute is shitty. I’m not sure why everyone has decided that a wedding is the equivalent of a night out at the bar and it’s cool to bail last minute?

This is sad but the first thing I thought was, WOW! Only $75 for two people?

They do this in some countries already and it’s considered normal. Not that I think it’s a good thing but...there is precedence.

I’m embarrassed that these people just nodded along. However, I haven’t watched the video so I’m not sure how it was presented to them. On the surface it’s like YAY no taxes for poors! But then you get into the details and it’s the same old same old.

I can’t tell if this is really good satire or you’re being serious??

And the number of inappropriate and unprofessional things that happened in this congressional hearing just went up by one.

yeah, I agree. I imagine he met with them in general, and she was someone invited along—not that this was a super special secret meeting between her and the pope.


But seriously— at least like, two people saw that before it was projected during a congressional hearing, right??? Like, one college intern to google “PP baby killing graph” and one college intern to go, “Good one! We got ‘em now!” to put on a slide, right? No one thought it was the least bit confusing and

My dog growing up not just ate homework, but he would also attempt to eat entire textbooks. He was awful. He was also a terrier mutt, so he was obviously insane, but we loved him.

Yep! So I work in international development. I have found that people will hold any type of salary against you if your job is literally helping others. There are excesses in my field, as there are in all others, but in general, it seems like more usually we (and people who work in public health, education, social

this needs more stars.

I would also love to challenge anyone who “hates” government to go live in a country where government is indeed small. You can have fun doing that. It’s different depending on the level of development, but in general, here is what you can look forward to:

Ellis Bell was my original burner— until I sadly lost the key! Brontes 4 lyfe.

Ah yes, another continuing resolution...what are we on now, number 15000?

This is my favorite EVER. This needs to be up higher.