Rainbows and lollipops

Cindy Blackstock doesn’t talk for her health. This is the result of generational trauma, a lack of services and complete and utter failing of FNNAC (First Nations and Northern Affairs Canada) to follow the Truth and Reconciliation Comission recommendations. This, right here, is the legacy of colonization.

That’s right, although the ‘legal name’ and ‘working name’ of Canadian federal departments are not always the same. As far as I can tell this is because changing the legal name requires opening up a bunch of legal acts and voting on them in Parliament, which is a huge pain in the ass. So, the ‘Department of Indian

Hello, Canada here.

It’s so weird seeing you American’s say ‘Indian’ in your news media when Canadian media outlets would say ‘First Nations’ or ‘Aboriginal’. o.O

As a technical matter, Canadian First Nations/Metis/Inuit persons are never referred to as ‘Indians’, although I understand this is the legal terminology in the US.

Of course, that’s also what they said about Obama, that it was too soon. Harris is a terrific public speaker and a progressive, and she’s fierce and formidable. I think if she embraced an economic populist message along with the rest of her arsenal of progressive and fierce stances, with a long history of principled

Actually buying used or vintage clothing is a lot better for the environment. There are piles and piles of clothing just sitting around that has already been made. If I need something​ professional or specific I’ll buy new stuff of course, but if I’m just shopping for pleasure and stuff to wear when Im less than

Must have taken them about 2 days to make their way back?

You think your bigotry is any better than a religious bigots?

So, you are ‘that’ Atheist.

You miss spelled ‘assholes’. As a person of faith, there isn’t anything in the bible regarding abortion. There are passages about selling your daughter into slavery and not mixing textiles, but there isn’t a passage on abortion (unless you really twist the text really far). if you go back to the original Latin, there

Because there are so many more ways to soil an outfit than a diaper blowout.

I guess I’m going to be the only person to say this: Tom Cruise is a movie star, and I know he’s nuttier than a pecan log but I think his movies are entertaining as hell. Is it worth it to go see in the theatres? No. But if I’m stuck on a plane for 5 hours, I will watch Knight and Day. And the Mission Impossible

Still better than being Eric.

Nothing of significance really. Just money.

She does not look like I remember; I know that people age, but is it possible, that like Avril, she died and has been replaced by an Illuminati duplicate?

Keep it short:

I’d imagine that Lindsay Graham’s chiffarobe is 75% seersucker.

She was asking some pretty good questions, too.

Drax agrees.