Rainbows and lollipops

You are right- I bet he has used it before. barf.

I heard that they sometimes need to get practically waterboarded in the shower to cool off on a hot day #isthisagoodanalogy

“I want to move on because I promised myself I’m going to meet at least 10 new people tonight”is EXACTLY the kind of doublespeak I would expect from a networking consultant or regional chairman of an executive coaching organization.

Can I take credit for my husband’s work? Because if so, he built his own deck— and not just a square one, either. It has a built-in L-shaped bench, AND a wrap-around step. It’s made of cedar planks, and it is BEAUTIFUL. (AND, thank god, it withstood last winter perfectly!) ... he also built me a matching garden box.

doesn’t your bathroom have one of those smaller garbage cans to hold tampons and pads?

My best friend and I have a thrift store swap every Christmas- we spend a total of $25, and we get the BEST stuff ever! Her present is the most anticipated one I get : )

... just buy Sorels? They come in all sorts of styles, are waterproof and super warm. This winter will be year 3 with them, and they are going strong as ever (you just need to take out the liner inside and wash them)

They got even closer than that...

Are you hot-dog-competition training?

I think we voted in record numbers- where I live (Ottawa), something like over 80% of the population voted. Yep, THAT is how you get what you want.

Question: what about bacon grease? It is the essence of bacon, so is 1 Tbsp equal to 10 bacon rashers? I cook with bacon grease to add flavour to soups. Is my poop shoot in danger?

Yeah, and I think it’s grey because it’s a black-sesame bun? I forget. I most def should have tried it. I did, however, try the chai tea ice cream, which was just okay.

No, if you watched the commercial (was in Beijing recently), it makes sense. The bun is steamed in the steamer (the pedestal), and then it’s sliced open and they put the fillings inside the burger.

this is stupid

This reminds me of Men In Black, where the insect alien climbs inside Vincent D’Onofrio’s skin. It is horrifying.

This is true. I tried to like oysters. *they’re so cool! everybody’s doing it!* No. I can’t do this. It feels weird. It’s just a raw salty clam! OPEN YOUR EYES, people!

NOBODY should expect to come away with this with a real, viable relationship from this show. Even the people who are ‘engaged’ are going to break up... guys, this is all BULLSHIT. Why is everybody ganging up on Kirk?? I’m pretty sure Kirk DID try to pry himself out of the relationship when he told Carly about how