It’s a great visit if you’re in the area. And they have some car shows and other events there. I’m just not sure if I’d ever buy something there.
It’s a great visit if you’re in the area. And they have some car shows and other events there. I’m just not sure if I’d ever buy something there.
Having visited Classic Auto Mall a few times. It’s a really cool place to walk around (actually in an old mall, lots of interesting cars), but a lot of their inventory seems overpriced and looks like it has sat for a long time (to my non-expert eyes). So, not surprised that this is above market.
Did they include Dubai, Riyadh, Doha, etc.? You know, all the places that are actually important to modern Bugatti’s success, not racing.
To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart, I. stab at thee; for hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at. thee.
The Dogs of Lordstown.
“And while it’s cool to have a unique and diverse used car lineup, having to rely on this kind of inventory with prices reserved for customers that otherwise wouldn’t step foot on your lot seems a bit troubling.”
It’s a little wanker.
$40,000? That’s like a weekend in the Hamptons? And not even at a nice hotel. - Fawncay Kristen.
Hmmm, she doesn’t look Jewish.
“Lol. That’s all?” - Tavarish.
Good review, but absolutely, positively NSFW.
Lucas, the Prince of Darkness!
It’s strange to think about the complexity that went into the controls when the powertrain, a 5.3-liter V8 and a three-speed automatic borrowed from Chrysler, were rather simple.
The BRZ exists and is happy to fulfill your needs without paying the Porsche tax. Though you will have to learn to vape.