
Ya know...you might be on to something there...

The knife/bed story wasn’t written as supernatural. She/he knew it was the guy.

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

This is a little more creepy/disturbing than scary, but it’s something that still gives me chills when I think about it (and I try not to think about it very often). Note: All names have been changed.

Around five years ago, I was a TA for an undergraduate literature course that had 300 students; there were two TAs and our job was mostly to do grading (sigh) and hand out exams and set up PowerPoints and stuff of that nature. Basically, assist the professor in all manner of tedium while she lectured. Due to a

Do you remember the story about how the kid was writing a paper with headphones on and there was writing all over the house that said “LOOK AT ME”? It still haunts me and that was I think like 3 years ago.

The house where I grew up was pretty new - way newer than any of the other houses on the block. A typical one-story ranch house that you might see in any stretch of American suburbia. Likewise, all the furniture in the house was pretty par for the course. My room had a little-kid bed, a nightstand, a table and chairs

I’ve only told this story to my closest friends. I haven’t even confided in my sister (for fear of the obvious shame). Please buckle in because this tale needs to be told in length.

More of a creepy maybe home invasion tale but:

This story happened to my brother (Chris), about two years ago.

Chase is a friend of my friend’s husband. He was at their wedding a while back aaaand rumor around the room was him selling prescription drugs in the bathroom. Cannot confirm, but I have never got a good vibe from him.

Jesus Christ who said anything about partners, for fucks sake? Can’t a woman just ride the dick for a minute and go?

I love her. I don’t believe in chronic Lyme. Help me!!!

Like most people, I was an gangly teen- all pimples and limbs and braces. I had a huge, super nerd-girl crush on someone I’ll call Joe. Joe was a year older than me even though he was in the same grade, and had bit puberty sooner as a consequence, so was more man-than-boy shaped. Ravelston likied.

One look at time on

She’s right, though. I sprung fully-grown from my father’s forehead at about age 25. #Athena

Brett seems like a talented, stand up guy...

This is a story of how one of the worst days of my life ended up reaffirming my faith in strangers and in the human race in general.