
I am REALLY hating that part. The amount of negative comments about never sleeping again, or how we should be seeing movies now because we won’t watch another movie for a decade, and so on and so on. It’s really getting under my skin. Like, I get that things will be different, but maybe I don’t need to hear about

I am pregnant now too (congrats to you!) and while I have had a pretty easy time of it, I HATE being pregnant. And the part I hate the most is how negative everyone is about what your life will be like after kids. I know I am naive and don’t know exactly what I am in store for, but I have one friend who is just like

This is so true. I had a friend literally tell me “good luck on staying married with two kids” while i was pregnant with my second child. WHO SAYS THAT? Having kids is either a misery competition or a superiority competition. I can tell you parenting IS hard but it’s also pretty F&*@ing great. Good luck, mama-to-be.

Go to the gift table, leave a card saying “What a beautiful day! I hope you enjoy the gift!”, then take half a dozen cards off their gifts, and scatter them.

Thank you for sharing! I grew up very aware that we lived paycheck to paycheck, and as an adult, I had low paying salary jobs, including government and other public sector work. Now that I’m independent and have to set rates, there’s still a bit of a sticker shock on my end at times when I give a quote. I have a

I wonder a lot while I watch the West Wing if Sam Seaborn wasn’t the Sorkin-insertion character. Good intentions! Smart guy! Women love him so it’s okay when he says gross things to them! Super smart and liberal! Did I mention, good intentions? Whatever, women love him.

I wonder if the Nationals would be amenable to allowing Jonathon Papelbon onto the field even though he is a free agent. Just in case Trump hotdogs it at all out there.

I would empty my bank account to get a ticket if I knew he was there, just to boo him.

Thank you for this. I kept voting “Getting a Raise” even though I’m an independent contractor, so I don’t even get raises. I have to raise my rates and/or hustle more clients. However, I went to a work conference last week and there was plenty of booze! My apologies to the public for making such a flippant and

Last summer I had two weeks between ending a job and starting a new one. My parents just happened to be at a great vacation spot during that time so I joined them. It was the most relaxing, rejuvenating vacation I’ve ever had because I had nothing work-related to think about. I didn’t even know exactly what my new job

Yeah. It was one of my favorites growing up. Now, it’s cringe-inducingly heavy-handed and smug. The moment when the WOC HUD secretary is criticized by OurWhiteSavior (tm) and BelovedOldWhiteMan, Leo, for correctly implying that an old white Senator is racist in the context of a joke about the president’s pedantic

The WW episode where Josh gets into a feud with commenters on an Internet site was based on Sorkin’s made up username and postings on Television Without Pity site back in the day. He would get so pissed off at people criticizing the show.

Weeping for the defeat of Going to Bed Hella Early.

Different creator, but I’m rewatching Firefly right now after the clusterfuck that was the handling of Black Widow in Age of Ultron and the fallout from that. Oh, it’s a different experience than it was the first time around.

Do you listen to the podcast? Josh & Hrishi point out SO often how misogynistic Sorkin was (is).

thanks - it does help to talk it over! When it’s just me and the husband, it makes me wonder if I *am* being unreasonable and crazy. So it helps to get a sense of perspective, and to know that other people are going through the same. Some days I feel completely deflated and exhausted by it all, and other days I’m all,

I find as well that an orderly house feels more restful to me. I don’t want to have to move 57 different items before I can sit down on the sofa. And it’s just more conducive to all the other things I want to do in my home, like play board games with my kids or talk with my friends, if things are put away, clean, etc

reading this you can also map out Trump’s speech patterns