They gotta have some Rob Zombie music on the show.
They gotta have some Rob Zombie music on the show.
People who buy these don’t care, and I don’t think regular working stiffs understand that.
C&D hit 0-60 in 3.8 in their long term M340i, 3.7 in a M340i xdrive. So what about being slower?
me, also specifically
Me, specifically
Are we still using the supply chain as an excuse?
If it was smoked in, I get it. But so many of these had that package, which was nothing more than the lighter and a tiny light in by the ashtray.
Watch the police union step in and ole Cap’n retire with full benefits.
“I cannot sir. I know you’re aware of our body camera policy. You know I cannot turn off this body camera,” the officer says. “I have taken an oath to uphold the law.”
Having done my share of contracting East of the Mississippi, I can confirm what this monstrosity implies: Southern new money is the gaudiest new money, on average. The strategy seems to be to throw expensive looking shit into every nook and cranny of your castle.
Didn’t read the article, but my assumption is that LA gets a lot of sun, and non-metallic white colored cars don’t absorb as much heat.
The Buick Century was never a special car. At $4k it needs to be completely sorted, not have a phantom stalling issue.
Im sure someone is nostalgic for this car. I’m sure you remember spending your childhood in that back seat playing with your hot wheels and trying to get the drivers behind you to wave back. I’m sure you’re thinking, hey this would be a good car to drive around ironically and take to radwood.
BMW i3. No better city car.
I cannot top Kente Cruiser.
Someone googled “Airplane” and “Israel”, and this was the first image.
Children are easily created by unskilled labor.
What an extraordinarily ignorant view on children and parenting. This may sound shocking, but tiny children often behave very differently from each other, regardless of the parenting method.
put them in cages and check them as freight.