Keep an eye on Big Easy Magazine, they've been breaking some hot damn stories lately!
Keep an eye on Big Easy Magazine, they've been breaking some hot damn stories lately!
Oh my God I feel sick reading this. This is a nightmare. Does Atlanta/Georgia have the Good Samaritan law? Anyone and everyone that saw this happening and did nothing (or livestreamed it) needs to be arrested.
The woman that accused Emmett Till admitted she made it up and she's still totally free (and alive). They're not going after this old hag either.
He's trying to save face after that monkey comment.
Omg, someone's gotta write "The Book of Becky". When in doubt, white women can look it up to see if they're being a Becky.
In like, literally one little moment. When she says “It feel...” and pauses awhile. All you see of the non white home life is an abusive husband yelling from the corner of the screen and a bunch of kids all in one bed. It wasn’t about them in the end. It was about Skeeter and her relationship with her mom, and little…
Hmm, weird that this never seems to bring any kind of punishment for the caller when it's a white person frivolously calling 911 on black people.
The kids doing common core math on the paper, it’s recent. It was also reported by several other networks including the local news, citing even more parents. The superintendent did in fact make a statement about this and it was given out to students.
Not just free of responsibility, this woman should not be free. She should be in ail for accessory to murder in the first degree. There’s no statute of limitations on murder, granny!
"Cops and their supporters" Do they mean supporters of cops? Because y'all don't really have those anymore...
I don't see anything wrong with this to be perfectly honest. Some girls like to be dominated by their man and keep the old gender roles, it can be a turn on. Whatever floats their boats. He still treats his wife like a princess, so what else matters?