
Habitual Incest Baby Rapist

Habitual Incest Baby Rapist always knows the right thing to say.

We need a super bowl for book readers and lovers of science, and self-impressed stuff like that.

Buffet Master Obi-CD does it again!

Someone needs to ask why. So, why?

So types the internet hall monitor.

Comedy may not be your "thing".

The relegated line is nonsense and a self-serving lie by the writer. All the old punks love X-Ray Spex and think Poly is great.

I liked the show, but if Netflix doesn't reveal ratings how can anyone call the show a hit? Maybe this is all based on how many hipster sites write about it.

I only turn to her on advice on how to get away with incestuous baby finger rape.

His buddy was Pedro Morales.

I'm glad that everyone has an opinion and is given an opportunity to express said opinion, either in an article or the comments section.

Yeah, I was going to say if I wanted to get advice on incestuous infant finger rape I'd call on her as an expert.

As a vegan I spend hours watching nature shows to scream at the predators about better, healthier, more earth-friendly food choices.

Oh, hey racist. We meet again.

I'm sure all of your friends are amazing people who do, say, and think just the right things. Selfie Time!

To move amongst the Sand Amish you must first cover all but your dirty whore eyes. marxist triangulation is a nuanced mistress.

Sellout teen angst is the worst kind of teen angst.

Marxists care about people like pedophiles care about children.

I've always liked the little smile of dull acceptance (or something) he gives 19 seconds in.